trajectory question


New member
Hello everyone. My question is just what is a flat trajectory? I have read that a flatter trajectory means a more accurate round, and this is what makes the 41 magnum more accurate than the 44 magnum. What causes a cartridge to have a flatter trajectory than another?


Flat shooting is not more accurate. It is just easier to aim.

All bullets travel in an arc. If the bullet is fast enough, the useful range of the bullet comprises more of the first part of that arc, before the bullet starts to sink quickly from the observer's point of view.

So the gun that has a higher velocity for longer will generally be flatter shooting. Keep in mind that a bullet that starts faster, but has higher drag, might slow down below the comparable round. So it isn't just muzzle velocity that counts, but downrange velocity.

That all sounds technical, but "flat shooting" is not a technical term. It is just a name for a fast cartridge that doesn't need great elevation corrections as you extend range. 9mm (1200 fps) is flat shooting compared to .45 (850).

Wyo Cowboy

New member
Generally the higher the velocity, the "flatter" the tragectory for a given distance. Gravity affects all bullets (and everything else) at the same acceleration of 32 ft/sec sqr'd. But flatter does not necessarill equate to more accurate. I have shot .30-30's at a realtivly slow velocity that are dead-nuts accurate at 150 yrds and 300 Win Mag at a much higher velocity which were not nearly as accurate. "Flatter" means that you do not have to compensate as much for shooting at a greater distance.


New member
I am not really sure who it was that made up the all inclusive statement that 41 mags were inherently more accurate than the 44 mags, . . . but for one, . . . I kinda think he may have a shot out piece of junk 41 he is trying to sell or something.

Either is comparable to the other in accuracy, . . . speed, . . . and trajectory if they are shooting comparable loads. The 41 can have a very light bullet which will zip along really flat compared to a 300 grain out the tube of a 44.

Handguns just simply are not long distance arms, . . . therefore the term "flat trajectory" or "flat shooting" really has about as much sales weight as saying a boat is "watertight" or "has no leaks".

May God bless,


New member
I have read that a flatter trajectory means a more accurate round, and this is what makes the 41 magnum more accurate than the 44 magnum.

While a flatter trajectory helps aiming at longer ranges it certainly won't make a gun more accurate. It might make the shooter more accurate, though. I've heard some say that the 41Mag is an inherently accurate round. Don't know if thats true. Don't have enough experience with the round to tell. The 41Mag does not have a flatter trajectory than the 44Mag. It really depends on the load. The 357M, 41M, and 44M all have the same case lengths so they can all essentially launch bullets of similar SD at similar velocities. None have a flatter trajectory. A 180gr. 44Mag load trucking along at 1600fps is going to have a pretty flat trajectory. The same could be said of a 125gr. 357Mag load also trucking along at the same velocity. You see they are essentially the exact same bullet except that one is wider. The equivalent bullet weight in 41Mag would be 165gr. They both have the exact same sectional density or equal mass behind the nose of the bullete propelling forward.