

New member
Why don't they get the death penalty anymore??? Hannsen, Ames, and the rest get life. Back in the 50's didnt the Rosenburgs get the death penalty? Why are we so soft on Traitors now:confused:
Oh yeah I'll leave Clinton out of the list of traitors:p

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
The usual reason seems to be that the government wants to avoid prosecution in open court. Prosecution in open court before a jury would allow the defense to reveal methods of intelligence gathering that the government does not want revealed. Defense attorneys therefore use this in plea bargaining for a life sentence with the proviso that the accused cooperate fully in debriefing so that the full extent of the damage done can be evaluated.

The Rosenbergs, on the other hand, could not damage our intelligence structure in the manner that Ames or Hannsen could in open court.

It's a form of damage limitation.
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New member
You can have closed and classified trials. The issue - as with all death penalty cases - is that it is extremely expensive to get the death penalty rather than "just settle for life without parole". factor in all the red-diaper-doper-babies and their appeals and the cost to the state/Feds) and it is often a much more economical use of time and resources to bargain the DP away in exchange for cooperation. If Hansen knew he was going to die, do you think he would have cooperated at all?? Same-same Ames and all the other oxygen thieves out there.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
A vote for the death penalty-

and Hanoi Jane ought to be the leading candidate.:D :cool: :)

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
You can have closed and classified trials.

That concept alone makes me nervous (I don't want the government to do anything behind closed doors...). But when a person's life is at stake?

No way.