Training Day.


New member
Has anyone seen this movie, went tonight with the wife, checking it out.

Supposed to based on events that have happened in the LA area. Filmed in locations that are owned by OG's.

I was skeptical going into this, but as the movie progressed it caught my attention, the two main characters are played very well.

The overall theme seemed like B.S. but it was a damm scary thought that there are police around, with the mind set and attitude of Alonzo. He packs a set of S&W 5906? and shoots them "gansta" style in one scene of the movie.

The overall light cast on police in this movie is quite negitive, showing them on the one hand as merely criminals with a badge, the other wanting to please and gain acceptance and promotion that he does anything he's told to do by his superiour.

I would recommend seeing this movie though. Sometimes the truth hurts.


New member
"The overall light cast on police in this movie is quite negitive, showing them on the one hand as merely criminals with a badge"

Yep, that's LAPD for you. Except they sure don't look like Denzel W or Ethan Hawke. More like the Federales; shaved heads, gansta lean as they ride, trying to look hard. This isn't your typical suburban "Hey, lets go shake down some highschool kids" police department.


New member
If you take away the part of Alonzo and the boys taking kickbacks, I very much agree with his character's views on policing. I think there are far too many restrictions placed on police for them to do their job effectively. Remember, to catch a wolf you have to become a wolf.

I also don't think there was as much negative light as was said earlier. I think that's why Hawke's character is in there, as sort of a foil. He ends up "seeing the light" so to say and shows Alonzo what's up.
