trading in?


New member
so i want to trade in my 270 for a 30-06, pretty much the same rifle with a little bit more knockdown only question is do i need the registration for the gun to go and trade it in?? reason i ask is because my dad cant find the registration and doesnt have a clue where it is...but the gun is in my name, can i just exchange it without the registration???


New member
Should be able to, it would be about like trading something in that you purchased at a gun show that isn't registered. I don't see why you couldn't...


Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
There's no federal law concerning any trade between non-felon individuals in any state.

If a dealer is involved, any trade is legal in any state not requiring some sort of firearms owner permit. If all concerned have whatever permit is required for ownership, all's well.

You can check Wisconsin gun laws on the Internet.


New member
I can't imagine why you think the .270 doesn't have enough knock down power for what you are hunting in Wisconsin. I've had no problems with this caliber ever being under powered and it has accounted for most of my elk that I've ever taken. You can't go wrong with the 06 but the majority of the time you can say that about the .270.

As far as your question you should be able to trade this rifle no problem without your registration paperwork.


New member
You'll take a big hit on a shop trade. Sell the 270 outright, then buy the'06 with the proceeds.


what MWM said. Gun shops make their money by paying 50% for trade ins and selling them for 125%. Trading it in will cost you hundreds on a decent rifle. I've never seen or owned a "registered gun". Is that a Wisconsin thing? It's not a NFA rule unless its full auto, silenceed, short barrelled, or a destructive device.

You don't register guns like a car with a title. You get a bill of sale and that proves you own it if you get it from a dealer. If it's a private sale you don't even have to get that.