Traded my Judge for a PT92.


New member
I bought a new Taurus PT92 in 1991. In 2002, I sold it to my brother where it has been his bedside pistol since. Christmaseve I ask him if he would want to trade it for my Judge since he had been wanting one. I could never shoot the Judge as well as my pistols. I ran a box of 50 federal through it yesterday. It shoots as good as I remember it did. I am glad I got it back!


New member
I would say you made a good trade-back. Truth be told I would make the same trade in a heartbeat with a complete stranger. I have always looked at the judge (or SW governor) as kind of a novelty weapon that ends up sitting on a night stand. I can imagine that you didnt get alot of range time out of the judge, but now you got your 9mm back. Have fun with it! :D


New member
Well, I did not shoot the judge a lot. It just sat by my bed in a pistol safe. I thought I would like it more. I don't shoot a revolver as well as a SA pistol. I am not a judge basher. It was accurate and with the newer PD ammo, it had plenty of stopping power.


New member
I agree with you 100% but .45 Colt or .410 shells can get expensive. I agree they fit a niche, but they aren't exactly a daily 'plinking gun', it sat next to your bed ;) I think your 92 will see much more range time.


New member
I have reached a time in my life(50 in july) where I don't want guns that I am not happy with. I don't care if I lose a little money. I also traded a Sig p250sc because I did not carry it and I didn't like the trigger as well as the Beretta Px4 Storm I traded for. Now I have a Sig Pro2022 that I really like. The PT92 will be my backyard range gun mostly. It is to big for me to carry.


New member
That's what its about Sir, comfort. My friend Eddy in Kansas has a Beretta Px4 .40 and is extremely happy and confident with it. (he's 61 years old and got rid of his Taurus .44 mag to get the Storm and some ammo) He had the same logic as you, he shot it seldom, and said it was terribly uncomfortable to shoot. He is partially disabled on his right side...

Unless the gun is an old collector's piece like a .500 Nitro double rifle or something, (probably uncomfortable to shoot) why keep it if you don't like it? I think we share the same logic ;)
I was at a gun show today and had a PT-92 in my hand. If it wasn't 3 days after Christmas with property taxes looming I would have bought it. New in the box, 2 mags, $450 out the door.

You ever pick up a pistol and it just feels right? That's how this felt to me.


New member
I am still kicking myself for trading off my PT92. It was the gun I shot best with ever. I fell for the Taurus bashing. I learned if you like what you have then to heck with what others say. May buy another one sometime soon. I would buy a Beretta 92 but I hate the slide mounted safety and I never had a problem with my much less expensive Taurus PT92. Personally, I don't see much point in the Judge or Governor or any other 410 handgun for that matter. $.02.


New member
The 92/99 models are great guns as far as I am concerned. I have a combined total of four. None of them have had any issues and all are more accurate than I am. My nephew (marine) likes the 92 much better than his issued Beretta.


New member
You did the right thing. What matters is what you would rather have. I would like to have a governor or a judge, but only after my other needs were met. The 92 is a great range gun, the shotgun/handgun would just be a once in a while fun thing for me.


New member
What did you have the Judge for, if I may ask? I bought one about 6 months ago, mainly for the wife. She's barely comfortable with guns, but I convinced her to practice and carry a 38, but didn't think I could get get her to learn to use a shotgun for home defense. So I bought one and have the first 2 chambered with .410 home defense slugs, and the last 3 are .45. She shot it, and is actually pretty accurate with the .35 at about 15-20 yards.


New member
yeah the pt92 is a great HG, despite the Taurus bashers, i almost bought one that was sitting in my LGS, but lack of funds kinda stopped me from doing so.


New member
There goes the Judge

I don't get the real world value of the Judge pistols. One thing they have done is drive up the cost of .45 LC and .410 shot shells. Overpriced and ugly come to mind.

I also am a fan of the PT92 and prefer it in all ways to the 92FS.



New member
veamon, I bought it for a snake gun and thought it was cool. You know, blowing up watermelons. I can carry snake shot in my ruger 357.


New member
Yea it's very niche, I'll give you that. My main reason is the wife is familiar with a wheel gun and not strong enough (or cares to learn) how to use a shotgun.