Trade Opinions


New member
I am being offered a XDs w 2-5 rd and 2-7 rd mags and a Remora holster +$225 for my bitone 5.25 XDm 9. His XDs is post recall. I just never ever shoot the XDm as I have other 9's that I like better. But I also have a Shield and 228 on carry rotation.



New member
if you never shoot it then there is always room for improving the collection bu personally. I much prefer the XDM to the XDS. I have shot the XDS45(you don't really specify the caliber) and it was not pleasant to shoot. recoil is quite snappy, I had trouble finding a decent grip and as a result I could barely keep it on the paper bad guy at 10 yards with it. on the other hand my XDM45 compact has better groups at 20 and double the ammo cap.

I have yet to actually get to shoot a 5.25 in any caliber but based on experience with the 4.5s in all calibers, I would wager that it would be much better shooting and much more pleasant than an XDS.


New member
1. Do you want an XDs in .45? If you were given $700-750 to buy a new gun, would it be an XDs?

If "Yes":

2. Can you easily sell the XDm and buy an XDs (and a holster/carry system) for less money than he wants for his setup?


New member
I want another 45. XDs wouldnt Be my 1st choice though but I've had no bites on the XDm at all.

Kinda torn. I never shoot it but I know if there's another panic that thing will be a hot commodity. I certainly don't need to sell it.


New member
I'm gonna go for it. If I don't like the XDs it should be easy to move. Maybe package it together with some cash for a HK45.


New member
The XDs plus cash is a good deal for your XDm 5.25 IMO. You are getting the better end of the deal.

I have seen the XDs average $519 new where I live. The XDm 5.25 averages $685 or so.


New member
The bitone is a little bit more money. I'm pretty much breaking even. I'm hoping to get him to buy the 6 additional magazines as well.


New member
unless you own other XDM9s I'd tell him tough doody. having mags hanging around for guns you don't own is kindof like owning a toilet with not plumbing.


New member
A firearm is only as good as what you're getting out of it. I don't believe in safe queens. If you aren't using the 5.25 and have 9x19 pistols you like better, jettison the XDM and get the XDS.

My personal philosophy is never sell, never trade, like our beloved Cheapshooter, but that's not how most people do things, so if you don't believe in that way of doing business, get yourself the carry gun. :)


New member
I've always held the same philosophy and have been debating on getting rid of this for some time now so I don't think I will have any regrets but I guess I won't know until later.

I really bought it for competition but with the ammo craze it just never happened. Since then, I have acquired a few more steel 9's which are just more fun to shoot. I really really wanted to love the XDm but it just never happened.

Now my 228..... That's another story!


New member
I relate. I wanted to like the XDM a lot. On paper, it's a fantastic firearm. The capacity is amazing, the trigger is pretty solid, and it's reliable. I just didn't feel that connection you feel with a firearm that's right for you when I shot one, and didn't like the grip.

Now...if you ever get rid of that P228, the firearm community is obligated to excommunicate you.


New member
Glad to know people feel the same as me. I had the XDm for exactly one year, probably put 300 rounds thru it. I have had the 228 2 months and have probably 400 rounds thru it. Feels great.

Can't see me getting rid of that one!