Trade Glock 22 or Not


New member
I have a chance to trade in my g22 with 3/15 round mags for for lnib 4006 with 2/11 or should i keep what i have.I have shot the 4006 and it fires as good as the g22 i own and i find the 4006 a little more accurate.:confused:
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New member
Go with what feels better.

Personally, I'd keep the G22. I have one and I love it. It's my daily CCW and bedside gun. It's not the most accurate pistol I own, but it's the one that I am the most comfortable with and has proven itself to be uber-reliable for me. It's accurate enough (5" 10rd groups at 25 yds), but my Taurus PT1911 is more accurate. That said, I'm not comfortable carrying a single action in condition 1. I'm sure it's perfectly safe, I'm just not comfortable with it. So I carry my G22.

I'm not a fan of S&W semi's, I just don't like they way they handle for me. I have no doubt that they are good guns, but they just don't fit me well...

Go with what's more comfortable for you, reliable for you, and accurate for you. Everybody has different tastes and prefrences for their SD/HD guns, pick the one that you are the most comfortable with.

Good luck with whichever you choose. Either would be a fine choice IMO.


New member
Go with what you will shoot and you feel is the most accurate. Keeping a firearm because it is a brand name or not... is foolish.


New member
IMO i'd keep the glock, but i also shoot a glock execptionally well. I feel that the glock is a much more reliable gun, but really it depends on what you intend to be using the gun for and what you also use your current gun for. If its for the range and you shoot the SW better--go with it. If it's for home defense purposes, the glock would be the minimum i would trust my life with. The G22 is a great gun in almost every aspect, but i just like Sigs, HK's, and 1911's a little bit better-for other reasons


New member
Right now i use the glock for everyday carry,i keep my .357's more for h/d and winter/hunting weather.

Also i would like to thank everyone for their imput,it means a lot to me.


New member
In that case, i would def hold onto that glock. It is arguably one of the best guns out there and OVERALL one if not the most reliable. I would recommend more practice with the glock and proper training and if you are still unsatisfied then trade or sell it off. As previously stated i like HK and Sig platforms better than my Glock, but if the **** hit the fan i would run to my glock before most of my other guns. Because it is simple and reliable.... no decockers,safeties, squeeze-cocker(HK P7), or unconventional mag releases(such as the heel release on my HK P7 and Sig 232) or under the trigger guard mag release like on my other HK's and my walther p99 and pps. They just work!!! insert, rack, and shoot!! very easy and alot less thinking in a very high stress situation. Glad to offer my opinion