Tractor-Trailer Embargo of Cities Run By Idiots and Socialists

Munro Williams

New member
Since the USA depends on tractor-trailer trucks for the transportation of most goods and commodities, it stands to reason that an organized, selective trucking embargo of cities that enact nut-fudge gun laws would have a significant impact. If truckers could organize such a thing, I am convinced that we would quickly see a change in metropolitan attitudes towards peaceable citizens arming themselves.

Imagine a city like San Francisco deprived of the ability to get anything in or out.

Critiques, comments, complaints, anyone?


New member
After spending several years on the road as a truck driver, I am sorry to say that even though you have a good idea, I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.Over the road drivers cannot stick together long enough to solve their own problems, much like the gunowners.Too many feel that everthing taking place does not affect them, therefore do not get involved in any type of conflict which could cause hardship on their paycheck or their lifestyle.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Munro, Be Ashamed!

You KNOW that "Idiots and Socialists" is a redundancy!!! What would RLK think of you? That's almost an ID ten T mistake*

:), Art

*If you write it out, with "ten" written numerically...

:), A


New member

I know. It is a shame. The 80's and 90's created an atmosphere of "whats in it for me". This includes the massive OT we all spend on our jobs, including weekends. WE, American youth, (at the time), gave up what our fathers and grandfathers fought for.

So now, all we care about is the almightly dollar. Hopefully the next generation can take this country back. But, it depends on us to educate them and let them know history and what spineless worms we have become.