Tough decision

chris in va

New member
It's my friend's fault. He brought a sweet P-01 to the range today and I shot it better than anything else I currently have.

I don't have the financial means to just buy a gun outright, another has to be sold first. Layaway doesn't count.

My 97b stays, period. That leaves my 75bd and Kahr K9.

My bd has the most history with God knows how many rounds through it. Bought it in 2003 IIRC. Sentimental value, but doesn't do anything the P-01 can't. Heavy-ish for a 9mm carry gun.

K9, good carry gun, thin. Fits in various bags and pockets. Single stack though and with the poly barrel I can't shoot my lead reloads through it and gets shot rarely. The P-01 is marginally larger.

The 01 is light, compact and still retains the ergos I love about my 75. Plus my Kadet fits and works on it (400 rounds worth!). My GF is impressed.

I'm stuck!


New member
You really aren't that stuck.
The P01 is a decent gun, but it's horrendously ugly. If you kick to the curb something that you love, have a history of quality service from, you'll REGRET it. Either right away or in the long term or both.

If you have to add an ugly new popper to the lineup, bag lunches, dive in the couch cushions for spare change, bum rides and save gas money, eat ramen noodles for a month or whatever it takes to find the dough to buy the new addition.

Don't kick out a good pistol for a new fling.

If, after you by the P01 and you still believe you can dump something, do it later, but I still say it's a bad idea.


New member
Yes, butt ugly! :eek::D
This is obviously my opinion, not meant to offend. Hell, I carry a Glock, it's even uglier. Maybe. Well, just as ugly.

OH hell, I think I got my pistols confused... I was thinking we were talking about the polymer frame one. The P01 isn't all too ugly. Heck, my Witness Elite Match ain't the best looking pistol I've ever seen.

No matter, we'd all never agree on the looks of pistols anyhow. I still say that you don't want to do something you can't reverse. Find a way to add it without subtracting anything. :cool:


New member
Sorry Chris, that's a hard place to be in. But I totally understand why you fell in love with the P-01.

Just said to my wife yesterday that my P-01 is the one pistol I would keep if I had to get rid of all the others, and that includes my Sigs.

Ugly? Wow, goes to show how subjective that all is. I happen to think the P-01 is one of the prettiest guns out there.;)


New member
Having never fired any of the aforementioned guns.... The few insights I do have to offer is that I for one like the way the P01 looks. If you shoot it better then try to get one. Plus, it's hammer fired, I have a newfound love for hammer fired guns. My XD9 would find itself a new home if a hammer fired 9mm trade popped up, and that is my first gun.

Then with the whole trade debate, I like to find stuff around the house to sell. Other then guns.... Maybe some OT at if that's a possibility. But, definitely don't sell either of the ones you have. Sounds like they both serve a valid purpose for YOU. :)
or the pcr with half checkered coco-bolo grips from czcustomshop


chris in va

New member
She'd probably barf if I put pink grips on that. She's more of a skulls type.:p

I'd go PCR but might use the rail at some point.