Tough day with the weather...


New member
22 degrees, felt like 4 with the wind chill.
A veritable ground blizzard in places.
Lady in the ditch requiring assistance.
Road closure 3 miles from range.
Snow berm from plow blocking access road.
Freezing fingers fumbling with various locks.
One lock won't open... so over the fence we go.
Thigh high drift blocking range supplies.

But my guy wanted to shoot. OK, OK, so did I.

2 hours later we had to call it quits or we'd still be frozen in place.

Great day at the range. Those who backed out will have to hear about it for years. :p

Any other "the things I do to shoot sometimes" tales from the group?


New member
We have -4° F air temp with 25-35mph winds. So the windchill is down there!:D Predicted -20° air temp. for tonight! Refreshing!:eek:


New member
This is the time of year i shoot most, Its beutiful outside (In AZ)
In the summer is when I stay inside and reload mostly
Pretty much the opposite of alotta people.