Totally Stuck..Browning .22 Trombone

Death from Afar

New member
I am stuck on this one. I have acquired a lovely little .22 Browning in near mint condition- apart from the 70 years of grime in the action. How on earth do you dissemble it? I cant find anything online, and have been at it for 2 hours, :mad:and just cant see how it is done. :(

Has anyone ever done this? I am sure it is easy. but I am stuck!

Death from Afar

New member
1/ I have unscrewed the butt group from the slide/barrel group.

2/ I have removed the two screws that hold the wooden slide onto the operating rod.

3/ I cant see how to go any further.

Does that help? :(


New member

To takedown the Trombone, remove the takedown screw from the action and then separate the stock section from the receiver/barrel section.

Go to StevesPage and find the manual. Anyone into firearms can spend hours going over the manuals he downloaded online.

Here's a link to a manual (but not on Steve's Pages): Link

Dixie Gunsmithing

Moderator Emeritus
Remember, the Trombone manual is in French. You may have to type what you see into a translation service like Google hosts. You may be able to get by with the pictures, but if not, use a translator.

The Trombone was mainly a European gun, and a few made it to the states, so there is no English manual that I know of.


New member

AFAIK, "Steve's Pages" are no more.

"Cannot find" is the only result I've been able to get, when looking for them, since early this past Spring, so IDK if the owner passed away and/or just didn't renew the domain - whatever.

This summer I downloaded a Tavor and a Sig 551 Armorer's manual from Steve's Pages. I don't need either, but since I get printing credits from summer school, I used every plug nickel I had in my account to print those things.

I get some sort of warning about a virus, so I won't be opening it from home. That's what school computers are for. If it's broke, someone from the state will fix it. :D

Dixie Gunsmithing

Moderator Emeritus
From what I could find out, on Steve's pages, it was an advertiser, or someone from a pop-up, trying to run a Java script that would cause the computer to download malware. This happens way more than folks think, to be honest. When a site is reported, the search engines flash a warning page, and some anti-virus apps will block the page too. It could very well be all right now, but I would use another browser beside Internet Explorer to access it. Firefox could be vulnerable too. I use the Opera browser, and I never have problems of downloading stuff in the background. IE and Firefox are the two that they always target.

Death from Afar

New member
Yes, team, I have the same problem. I have found some manuals, in French, and I will try a translator of some kind. I was just hoping someone woulknow how to do it easily. I am contemplating a hammer and bad language.

Death from Afar

New member
OK, downloaded a manual and this is what I got!

tenir le canon et la carcasse, l'ouverture du logement de la sous-garde tournée vers la droite et, a l'aide de l'ongle du pouce detacher le petit levier qui s'etende en avant de la piece d'assemblage en poussant en meme temps celle-ci vers l'arriere, jusqu' a ce qu'elle soit degagee de la carcasse. retirer le tube interieur du magasin. soulever la glissiere hors de la carcasse et la tirer en arriere.

Apres avoir degage le verrou de son point d'appui dans la rainure d'ejection, on peut le retirer. Les differentes pieces sont alors pretes pour l'insepction et le nettoyage.

With the magic of Google Translate it comes out as:

hold the gun and the carcass, opening housing the trigger guard turned to the right and, with the help of the thumbnail detach the lever that extends in front of the piece assembly at the same time pushing it to the back, until it is a degagee the carcass. remove the inner tube from the store. Slide-lift out of the frame and pull it back.

Clears the lock after having its fulcrum in the groove of ejection, it can be removed. The different parts are then ready for insepction and cleaning.

There is a small lever under the slide which this refers to, it lifts out and the rifle goes to bits. You need to push the ejector in to get the bolt out.

There is around 60 years of powder residue in there, but seems to clean up alright! Now to get it back together......
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