Top Target Caliber


New member
Just wondering what everybody thinks are the top 3 1000 yard competition calibers. Also, out of the 3, which one costs the least to purchase ammo for and how long do barrels last for each of the calibers.


New member
338 Lapua is abit over the top, I should have said 308 or 30 06 is probably the limit.

Also would anyone ever pick a .243 Win as a 1000 yard caliber?


New member
.50bmg is pretty good:D, but nowhere close to price of gun and ammo as the others...

.308 is good and ammo is somewhat inexpensive compared to the others


New member
Don't forget the 223. It and the 308 are the tops in Service rifle matches at 1000 yards. The 223 1st and 308 second.

The 223 is also about the cheapest and has a fairly good barrel life.

People list all kinds of wierd calibers, but a walk down the Perry firing line shows you the 223 is tops because of the service rifle requirement.


New member
From what I've seen the .308 is on top for now but will be overshadowed by the 6.5s eventually, their ballistics are just better.