Top off your magazine?


New member
I recently discovered that several of my friends had never heard of or thought to top off their magazine after chambering a round.

Granted, neither of these folks carry.


Is there anyone here who carries a pistol for either work or personal protection who does not top off their magazine subsequent to chambering a round?

(Edited for spelling. I gotta remember to look first, I know.)
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Marko Kloos

New member
I always top the magazine makes no sense to leave it underloaded by one round. Springs are cheap, and you may find yourself badly needing that one missing round someday. You're more likely to be short of ammo than have too much ammo in your gun if you ever have to use it.


New member
I don't load my handgun +1 because it has a 10 round magazine ... it works out much more even to load only 10 rounds in the gun at a time (instead of 11). This way a box of ammo gives me exactly 2 or 5 magazine loads (depends on 20 or 50 round box).

Now that would make sense at the range, but the reason I do it for carry is because most self defense ammo comes in 20 round boxes ... I usualy only buy one box at a time. Since many times I'm carrying a second magazine it would be kinda silly to load one mag with only 9 rounds.

ok, so I'm anal :p

Shawn Dodson

If they're target shooters, and they aren't serious about maintaining a handgun for home defense, then I can understand why topping off is meaningless to them.


New member
If I was carrying my Glock 17 with standard cap magazines, I might not bother. But when carrying my 6 + 1 Kimber Compact, I sure do top off.



New member
Same here... I generally don't top off my USP40 with it's 13 round mags, but my Kahr P40 and my wife's MK9 are always full-up.


New member
If I get a Kahr MK40 I will load it +1 and I load my Makarov +1, but neither have 10 round magazines so it's going to get an uneven number of magazine loads from a box of ammo anyway.

So those of you who load your guns +1 ... do you also carry an extra round in your pocket for the follow up magazines?

Dave R

New member
I've spoken with some actual people that don't top off. They claim its kinder to the springs to download by one.

They also say it improves reliability somewhat. Rather have 12 for sure than 13 with a jam.

I don't buy it. I'll top off and replace springs as needed.


New member
I always top off my magazines, even when shooting at the range.

If you don't, that's fine, but if you do just make sure that you check to make sure your weapon functions correctly that way. Getting that last round, especially in magazines that are designed to hold that last round with little or no room to spare may effect the way your pistol functions. Better safe than sorry.

Good Shooting

Jorah Lavin

New member
Such a habit to top off that I am afraid

I might drop the mag after racking in the first round when I need it someday... (I'm mostly kidding!)



Always top off.

If you're going to have a loaded mag in the gun, you might as well have a fully loaded mag, right?

Just range-test it for functionality, of course, if you plan to carry it this way. Shouldn't be a problem, though.

Jim V

New member
I load the chamber and top off my magazine before setting forth.

I don't carry an extra round to top off my spare magazine. If thing get so bad that the 2nd magazine is needed, I will be too busy to take the time to top it off.


New member
I carry and dont top off my mags...I load the chamber with a round and put my mag in....simpler.
Ok, I've fiddled around with my Steyr for 10 minutes trying to figure out how to stick a round directly in the chamber and still get it to extract ... so how do you load the chamber any way other then from the magazine?


New member
"I carry and dont top off my mags...I load the chamber with a round and put my mag in....simpler."

And hell on your extractor.

From slide lock, insert a cartridge directly into the chamber, release the slide, then insert the magazine. It is not advised in that it can damage the extractor.