Top 10 things I've learned from 2000 posts


Staff Alumnus
  1. RKBA is a passion, a right and in danger
  2. Freedom is too valuable to NOT die for
  3. I am extremely fortunate to be a citizen of the United States
  4. Hunting is not about RKBA
  5. Art Eatman is VERY wise. I’ve learned a great deal about rifles and hunting from this man.
  6. I’m not the only 1911 fanatic out there!
  7. Pennsylvania isn’t all that bad and is actually a very gun friendly state compared to some other TFL members’ home states.
  8. I met a group of 50 some strangers in Missouri who had one thing in common, the love of guns and RKBA. I shared incredible memories with that group… with those friends.
  9. Experiences by a collective group are worth more then any monetary value.
  10. TFL is the most civil, knowledgeable and friendly firearms discussion site on the ‘net.


New member

Thanks for your post, both for all that it says and also for all that it implies. I agree with every word. People like you make TFL something we deeply value.

Sincerely and with best regards -- Roy


New member
Nice list, ArmySon. Maybe those of us who missed last year's outing will be able to join this time around.

The #1 thing I've learned from my posts is that there is almost always someone here who knows more about what I'm talking about that I do. What a great place to learn.
