Top 10 reasons to own a Hi-Point.

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New member
Top 10 reasons to own a Hi-Point:

10. Your wife wants a divorce and she says she wants half your stuff. Volunteer to teach her to shoot, bringing the Springfield to teach her on. After you have instructed her, switch it out with the Hi-Point and stand back. Make sure her life insurance is paid up completely.

09. Target shooting. I find that if you nail it firmly to a piece of plywood, it makes an excellent 10m bulls eye. Buy two, so you have something to hammer the nails in with.

08. Hang it on your wall, and when people ask about it, tell them it was Pablo Picasso’s first attempt at gunsmithing. His second? The Glock…..

07. Doorstop. I mean, bricks have uses, so why waste them holding open doors?

06. To use as a platform developing your new non lethal potato bullet. Which WILL make you rich, as soon as Hornady gets their heads out of their butts and take notice.

05. To test those dicey reloads. You know, the ones you loaded while YOU were loaded. Be sure to use a ransom rest.

04. If you need to sneak into a construction site while carrying. Anybody that sees it will probably assume it’s a power tool of some kind.

03. If your buddy works for Hi-Point, and gives you one for your birthday. Be wary of these friends. He probably bought it for $15, and the Federal transfer fee was probably $20 of it. Be especially on guard if it’s an experimental model, but “ All the bugs are pretty much worked out.”

02. You are supplying the Iraqi Police. Yeah, like they can tell the difference between that and a Glock anyway. If it’s not a Tariq 9mm, it MUST be a Glock, right?

01. You work in a windy area, and you need something to keep paper from blowing everywhere. Paperweights can be expensive. Get a Hi-Point!


Wow, hope you've got a flame suit.

That said, I'm no fan of Hi-Point and definetely wouldn't recommend them to anyone I like but I must take exception to the implication that Hi-Points are fundamentally unsafe. I just haven't seen any evidence of that.

Ugly? Yes
Weighty? Yes
Cheap (in materials and build quality)? Yes
Unsafe? Naah, that's more Lorcin, Raven, Jennings, Jimenez, Bryco, Sccy, etc. territory.


New member

That's good, wish I'd thought of it. I'm gonna have to save that one before this thread gets closed. :D


New member
I don't think they're unsafe either. I just got bored and decided to beat on Hi-Point. With a couple of cheap ones at glock too. That's why it's in the General Discussions forum. Just thought I'd give everyone a giggle.
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