Took the Pastor shooting


New member
Our assistant pastor planted our church back in the early 80's and then went on to serve the Lord in many other Churches for the following 20 years. He is back serving as our assistant pastor now. Before all of this he was a Police Officer and the only firearm he now owns is a Beretta 950 B Tipo Flobert (.22 short). He wrestled it away from a perp while he was trying to shoot his wife(perps). 6 shots were fired during the struggle and when he got control there was still 1 more in the chamber.
After the trial and conviction the prosecutor saved the little pistol from destruction and gave it to Officer Fred.
We fired this little Gem @ 35 ft. and also shot several .22 BB Caps because of the neat feature of the tip-up barrel.
This is some of the pictures taken yesterday.