Took the new old shotgun out today...

A Stevens 311 in 20 gauge that I bought from a member here. This is the first I've had the chance to get it out.

I'd shot the 12 gauge versions in years past, but this was my first time with the 20.

Shot two rounds of wobble trap.

First round was a 24 out of 25.

Second round was a perfect string until the last bird when I shot over it, so another 24 out of 25, for a wobble aggregate of 48 of 50.

Needless to say, I LOVE this thing!

When I pull it up to my shoulder it fits me so well and feels like an extension of my body.

I then took it to the skeet range. I didn't do so well there, but I never do particularly well on skeet. Probably hit 15 of 25.

All in all, a lot of fun and a great introduction to my new old gun!


New member
Big congrats. I'm currently looking for a 20 to replace the one I gave to the number 1 son. I can't shoot trap for crap (just had to make the rhyme) with my 311's but I've been working on holding my head a little different on the mount to see if I can make it point a little different.


New member
Good to hear the new gun is working out well for you Mike.

Certainly nothing wrong with a 20ga at most of the clay target games.

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
I love happy beginnings.......

Was that at Bull Run, Mike? Have to get down there one of these days.....


I have the Savage/Fox BSE - which is the uptown cousin of the 311 - while a nice gun, I find it a bit ponderous and heavy in 20, especially compared to the S&W Elite 20 I have or my friend's RBL - both of those are closer to 6 than 7 pounds.

I will say the Savage patterns nicely and I used it for many a pheasant over the years. I found its 26" barrels a little too "whippy" for me for skeet.

Glad you like yours Mike - they are reasonable in reliability and can be easily fixed by any competent smith