Took the dive: Kimber Pro Carry

Lucky 7

New member
Decided on a blued Kimber Pro Carry II yesterday. Didn't plan on it but hell it's handier, thinner and lighter than my SigPro that I carry. It's going to be a long while before I can run it through it's paces (work work work).

On a side note, I've found my gun purchases have been tending to be goin towards lighter more carriable guns (last three have been SigPro 2009, SW Model 19, and Kimber Pro Carry) and eliminating my heavier guns (sold my pair of Witness Carry-Comps and gave the CZ-75 to the lil brother). Anyone else do this in the first year and a half they started carrying?

Regards and Semepr Fi!

Here are a few poor pics (will try again tonight).


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Very nice gun. I have the same one in stainless. You will love it.

I understand what you are saying about smaller more carry-friendly gun purchases. I am doing the same lately. My last five purchases have been a Tuarus 605, S&W 637, NAA Guardian, Walther PPK, and Ruger Alaskan (bad example). :)


Lucky 7

New member
Playboy: Have you had any trouble insofar with the aluminium feedramp? I hear it can be a sore spot with these guns. I knew that going in but the gun just felt right (weight, ergos, overall size/width, design and caliber)...

Lucky 7,

None so far. I do not shoot the firearm a great deal though. I have owned it nearly a year and have so far only put about 500 rounds through it. I tend to not take my autoloaders to the range very often unless I actively carry them. I tend to favor my revolvers.

Lucky 7

New member
mgdavis: Thanks for the link. Answers some questions.

Where can I get Wilson 47 mags (7 rounders) at dirt cheap prices? $23.75 is the lowest I've hit.


New member
Great gun, I had one and sold it.

I'm now thinking about getting another, and it replacing my Glock 30 for a CCW. There's something about the thinness of the 1911 that really appeals to me.



New member
$23.75 is the lowest I've hit.

And that's probably the lowest price you'll get, and a good one at that. I usually see them priced in the upper 20's and low 30's. Maybe some of the other members here are better shoppers, though. :D


Here is an excellent thread, and solution to the problem you are discussing. My question is why not hard chrome the entire gun? You'd have to nickel cover it first, then chrome it.
Wouldn't that solve the problem, and really protect the gun?



New member
Just wondering: if the feed ramp did get chewed up for whatever reason, is it practical to cut for a ramped barrel?