Took my son shooting this week...


New member
Earlier this week I took my 9 year old son and his friend shooting. They shot my Pietta Colt Navy Sheriff revolver. It was my son's second time shooting and his friend's first time.

They did really well (see target below - my son is on the right).

All shots were from 25 yards, seated. For them I used 15 grains of Goex FFFG, wonder wad and a Hornady .457 ball.\

Great day!! And I think my boy is hooked on the blackpowder!


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Just my opinion, but it is a great thing to teach the young and old for that matter about tradition and history which does include the honor and ability of fighting for ones rights.

I followed your link and again have great respect for the work that you are doing with the historical sights.

Bill Akins

New member
Kudos to you Paul for teaching your young son. Everyone should do that.
Soon I'll be teaching my 11 year old granddaughter. Watch out though, with their young eyes they might soon outshoot us! :D



New member
Thanks guys

Yes -- the best part was the smile!

Now I think my son is hooked! He asked to go to the range again today. This afternoon I had some free time so we went.

This time I had him shoot my Pietta 1851 Colt Navy. He did well for his only third time out (see shot below).

All shots were from 25 yards, seated, using 15 grains of Goex FFFG, wonder wad and a .376 round ball.

Great way to spend an afternoon...


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New member
Nice smile

I took my then 12 year old son to a Mountain Man sponsored youth shoot a couple of years ago. It was free and as I was unfamiliar with BP, I let the rangemaster take over. He was shooting .36 squirrel gun, .50 hawken, and a .58 musket, in no time, light loads of course. Smiles from ear to ear and he has matured amazingely since that first time. Now! two years later, he is the proud owner of a .50 Hawken, a Spanish mauser carbine in 7x57(downloaded to 30-30 power) and a Stoger youth o/u in 20 ga. I've always had guns in the house but he never showed an interest, He was kind of "sure-whatever" when I asked him to go to the MM thing, now he want's to load his own ammo!
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