Took my 8 year old out to confirm zero with his deer rifle


New member
He started out practicing with a Chipmunk. Here he is shooting out of the shed where I store target holders, chairs, benches, etc. for the range.

Here is a pic out the door of the shed towards the backstop. Thats about 30 yards.

Then a few shots at short range with his deer rifle. Marlin 336W .30-30, XS Systems Scout Mount, Simmons 2x20 Prohunter pistol scope, Fulton Armory cheek rest, Remington Managed Recoil factory ammo.

Then we moved to the 100 yard range. Check out the cloud of dust from the backstop.

Checking out his target.

Not bad for an 8 year old at 100 yards. I think he's ready for another season.


New member
Ha ha ha Well done. Great to see kids these days taking up the sport in a responsible way:). I was 9 when i first fired my dads 10/.22, from then i have not stopped.


New member
How does he like the reduced recoil ammo? Has he shot full loads before? I am asking because I want to try some with my nephew.


New member
How does he like the reduced recoil ammo? Has he shot full loads before?

The ammo seems to work fine. He's taken three deer with it. He hasn't tried full power loads. I think he could use it but I've got several boxes of this stuff and I'd rather not take a chance on beating him up. I don't handload reduced hunting ammo for him because I don't know where to get 125gr. Corelokt bullets or anything similar.


New member
Nice job. I say the young man is ready. Make sure to post up the pictures of his deer;) Even if it is bigger than pops:).


New member
Make sure to post up the pictures of his deer

This is the mule deer he took last year.


This is the whitetail doe he took last year.

He will have a hard time topping that.


New member
It looks like they work pretty well. How far were the shots? What is the farthest shot you would take with them?


New member
It looks like they work pretty well. How far were the shots? What is the farthest shot you would take with them?

His first deer was at 32 yards. It passed through broadside between the ribs on both sides. The deer stood there about 5 seconds, then fell over.

The mule deer was at about 60 yards. It was quartering towards us, really almost facing us. The bullet broke the shoulder, took out one lung and disappeared into his guts. The deer shuddered and collapsed. I shook the big boys hand, then the buck staggered to his hooves and started hobbling towards the property line. I took the rifle and put a round through his ribs which stopped him.

The doe was about 80 yards away. She was quartering towards us as well. The entrance wound is in the big blood spot. The bullet exited just in front on the hip on the other side. She went about 20 yards tumbling down an embankment.

The only one of those deer I felt needed a more powerful load was the mule deer buck. He was a fair sized animal and the bullet hit him in the shoulder. He wasn't going to escape except that I didn't want him to cross the property line. A full power .30-30 with 150 or 170 grain loads might have kept him from ever getting up. If you have really big deer you might want to limit the shots to rib cage shots. I don't think I would go for a shoulder shot on a big deer, but that opinion is based on one animal getting up one time. I wouldn't have any problem shooting a deer at 100 yards or even 125 yards with this load if I could get a shot at the rib cage instead of the shoulder.

Federal also has a reduced recoil hunting load for the .30-30. I think it has a 125gr bullet at 2400 or 2500fps instead of 2175fps like the Remington load. We've had good success with the Remington so I haven't changed but that could give you a little more punch.


New member
I dig that picture of him with his buck mulie. That is awesome!

I'm 28 and single, never married. No girlfriends recently.

But pictures like that make me want a boy or girl of my own. Too cool! :cool:
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New member
Great pictures that reminded me of my niece at a young age.


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New member
And it won't be long before he grows up into a fine young man, as my niece did into a fine young lady and you won't know where the time went. ;)
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New member
What can I say. I shot my first .22 at 10 years old... thats also when I got my first gun, a .22 chipmunk. I'm 25 now. and still have yet to hunt any animal. Yes I've killed a bird with a bb gun. But thats it, and honestly, I felt bad about it.
Good for you and your son. Maybe someone will take me hunting one day. I love all animals, but I would be willing to take one for my self. Life is Life, and it's what we Live for.


New member
Maybe someone will take me hunting one day.

I think that wouldn't be too difficult to arrange. Surely there are members on this board or some other that could help you out. If not you could pay an outfitter. That isn't exactly cheap but it is one way to get out there with an experienced hunter. Make sure the guy knows you are a newbie and want to learn stuff like gutting

You might also check your local craigslist. Around here there are lots of people offering wild hog hunts for fairly low prices. I haven't looked in 6 months or so but I seem to remember around here you could get 2 hunters/2 hogs for 2 days for around $200 with a no-shoot-no-pay policy and some included a meal and a night in a hunting cabin or camper. That seems like a bargain to me.

Good luck.


New member
Nice pictures. Looks like you have a hunting buddy for sure. Glad to see youngsters starting at an early age. Thats the future of hunting.