Took daughter shooting for first time today : )


New member
We had a super time. I started her (12 years old) out with a scoped pellet rifle in our garage last year and she took to it like a duck to water. I scoped a Marlin .22 lr for her and we left for the range this morning. I set the target out 50 yards, made sure her mechanics were good, worked on one or two other things and let her enjoy herself. We stopped at a truck stop on the way and enjoyed a good breakfast, laughed and giggled about everything and had a crazy good time. If you haven't done this yet I recommend you do. Especially if your child/children are interested. I'll remember this day for ever : ) By the way she did great. I saved the target : )


New member
Congrats guys. My best memories with my dad are shooting and hunting. I cannot wait until my daughters are old enough to shoot with me. My oldest is 2 years old and she's already my buddy. We go out to the desert and pick up brass. She loves it;)


New member
I feel your pride!

I have five boys and have been buying them single-shot .22 rifles on their fifth birthdays. So far we have a Rossi youth combo and two Crickets. It has been exciting to see them pick out their rifle, carry it to the car, fawn over it at the house, struggle to get the whole sight-picture concept, then gradually work up to their first 25-yd bullseye! Last week my 8-year-old graduated to his .410 barrel on the Rossi combo, then shot my Glock 23! How great is it to enjoy such things with your boys!!!

It is equally enjoyable to get the strange glances when we arrive at the range, but gradually see the grown men relax as my boys show their skill while paying the utmost respect for range safety.


New member
Good for you, and for her. Neither of my girls wanted to go shooting with me until they were in college, but they both now enjoy it.

My youngest is a senior in engineering at a major university, and is friends with an anti-gun journalism major who was assigned by the campus paper to go to the shooting range. My daughter gave her a safety briefing that made me proud, then went to the range and helped her pick out an easy-shooting Walther .22 to rent. The RO/employee assumed that neither had shot before even though my daughter assured him that she had been shooting with her dad many times. When he handed Jackie the pistol, she put her first 5 rounds in the 10 ring and the guy's eyes about bugged out. She enjoyed telling me the story a great deal, and her marksmanship got a "don't mess with Jackie" line in the resulting article. The anti-gun journalist was, alas, not fully converted, but maybe we made just a little headway.


New member
One suggestion with kids, though: Reactive Targets. Instant gratification and instant feedback.

That is a fact!
When my daughters were that age we would spend many days at the range. I have an old Wards Westernfield target .22 with a scope. it is plenty accurate for the store shelf ammo, although 20 years ago all .22 rim fire ammo was good, but we would put the 3" small bore chicken silhouettes on the 200 meter rail and spent a lot of time walking down range to put them back up.
Pigs were no challenge at all at 200 M's
My Grandsons love the resettable spinners. They shoot slow fire until the rack is ready to reset then the real competition begins to see who can load and shoot and rest the rack. If they wouldn't giggle so much they would probably shoot better.

Oh, and good going!
Those memory's do stick!


New member
Jeez, I just love it when Dads are Dads. You are precisely right. You may have times when the issues of life crowd around you, and when things seem to stress you out, and you don't have time for "trivial" things. But, when those times have passed, you won't remember any of them, or why they seemed to be so important. But, you will remember that day with your daughter. I guarantee it. I do.

My best wishes to you and your kids.