Took a sip of the Kool-Aid


New member
I am strictly a target shooter (paper, falling plates, etc.) and have a few handguns I shoot on a regular basis. The group I shoot with are pretty good short range shooters but we were never able to get any good consistency with my previous 9mm. I looked at a lot of 9mm handguns recently and I liked the trigger on the Glocks, so I said WTH, and bought a model 19. Being a 1911 guy at heart, I had my doubts but took it to the range yesterday for the first time. The three of us shot it and it was as accurate as our 1911s in our hands. All of us were impressed. The white outline sights were easy to see and other than 5 FTE in a row on some handloads of mine, and a cut on my left thumb from my improper grip on the first shot, it went well. We shot all handloads and I know which work well now. I went to the Kool-Aid pitcher and partook. Just a sip for now, but time will tell. It's different from my 1911 but is accurate and relatively user friendly.

Uncle Malice

New member
I love the 19. My gen4 is my EDC gun and is second favorite only to my Gen4 G21.

I have run the gamut as far as handguns are concerned. Glock, XD, XDM, M&P, Sigs, FN, FNX, Ruger, Walther, HK.. the list goes on. There are things I like and things I dislike about every style... Something always kept drawing me back to Glocks. I'll admit that I am a big fan of M&P as well. Sigs were my very favorite for quite some time. I always loved the look and feel of HK's, but I could never shoot them well... like, I seriously shoot them like crap. Not sure why. Probably the terrible triggers.

I would buy, sell, and trade handguns like they were baseball cards for a few years. I just love the simplicity and lack of maintenance required with the Glock. It doesn't care if it's bone dry and covered in sand... it still shoots flawlessly... and I've tested that out in the desert.

Congrats on the acquisition. It's a hell of a good gun. Perfect size for carry, not very heavy, with excellent capacity for its size.

tristar viper

New member
If I have one possession that I will never part with, it's my Glock 19. I wouldn't think of parting with it, and I too have been through more guns and cars and motorcycles than I care to talk about. But my Glock has proven it's worth many times over and it's got a permanent home with me.


New member
my g19 is also my EDC now. It is what i think a nine should be. Not too big, not too small, large capacity. accurate, consistent, reliable. what more could we ask for ( aside from good looking)?


New member
Hey I feel ya on taking a while to try out Glock. I just got my first Glock within the last year or so! I had been a really loyal HK man. I still love HK- but could simply not be more impressed by Glock's reliability, accuracy, and PRICE! I, like many, have fired thousands of rounds through mine without a single FTE, FTF, or FTE. I would be surprised if your issue was not attributed to ammo. But if not, I would certainly send it back to the factory!


New member
I liked my Glock 19 so much that I gave it away!

Seriously, I was so happy with mine and trusted it so much that when my father was looking for a 9mm to use for his CHL test and to carry, I gave him mine.

I'll have another before all's said and done, though.


New member
Congrats on your new purchase. The G19 is a nice choice for a general purpose pistol. Glocks and 1911's are my favorites.


New member
Thanks for the replies. To be sure, my FTE were almost definitely from certain handloads that did not cycle the slide fast enough. I tried six different powder loads and only the Unique rounds had this problem. Other than that, a fun time at the range. Very happy with my purchase.


New member
I always loved the look and feel of HK's, but I could never shoot them well... like, I seriously shoot them like crap. Not sure why. Probably the terrible triggers.

Of all the guns I own I own I shoot my HKs the best. I'd disagree that they have terrible triggers. To me they're decent, certainly not something worth writing home about but nothing worth complaining about. I also tend to avoid blaming a gun for how I shoot it. Sometimes a person and a gun line or model just don't get along. That doesn't make that gun terrible, just not the right gun for that person. It's also perfectly understandable for that person to go on and find a different gun that they do shoot well. There's a gun for every hand out there. Just my $0.02.

Glocks are great weapons. The 19 is, IMO, in that perfect size category. Good for the range and for carry. Should give you many years of service.
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New member
Yes, Glocks are very good. Try a Glock 26 now, in compact package and see how good it is. :D

My Glock 19 has been my EDC from day one, it's has a few wear holster marks on it, but is tough! Mine's been out in the snow, heavy rain pour which required me to take out the firing pin to clean it, it was just so soaked I thought I dropped it in water lol and magazine removal for water cleaning/new ammo.
Got rid of my Glock 19 4th gen along with another gun to get a Glock 30sf which is now one of my EDC guns.

I want another Glock 19 someday. But I'm iffy about the gen 4's now. :|


New member
not a glock fanatic but i do think they are great carry guns....g27 goes with me most places in the suburbs,g29 is my woods gun


New member
I was never really a fan of Glocks either.. until I bought my G17 Gen 4. That thing is AMAZING. Easy to maintain, shoots easy, reliable, and the FDE color makes a boring black Glock look good! :)


New member
I have a 17 and a 26 and I love them. I've been meaning to get the 19, maybe even two. I also want a 21 and a 30 and probably a 20. Yeah, I'm a glock fanboy. :D There's other great guns out there but I figured that when it comes to my defensive pistols I figured I might as well maintain commonality.


New member
I love my glock 23 and have shot many different pistols over the years. Its actually a snappy little pistol. It has fed flawlessly for 15 years.

Sheriff Gotcha

New member
A G19 has the potential to be my first EDC gun, but with this current political climate they are more scarce than Big Foot and Loch Ness.

I'll give it till I get back my income taxes and if I can't find one I'm going to grab up an FN FNS/FNX instead. I did rent a Glock to try the other day and the simplicity of the design and the weight were very attractive. I'm only use to my CZ-85B so as you may know it was like night and day.

Anyways enough about me, good purchase IMO. Every "collection" should have a Glock.