Took a Newbie


New member
Well I just got back from the range :D . I took my sons girlfriend shooting. She had a great time, after I told her the rules of safety. My son then took control and explained the pistol operation and safety for it, I was proud of him, I guess I did ok. She shot the 22 semiauto pistol and the 22 rifle. When she was confortable I let her shoot the 38 , she enjoyed that also. She stopped at the 45acp, for now, to loud. The main item is that I took a new person out to the range, explained the safety about shooting and then allowed her to progress at her own speed so she would enjoy it. She said she can't wait until the next time. Yup another NRA member in the wings. :) Who is next to take some new out shooting, build the sport !

Klaud Wachnen

I'd take any friends. In florida the russian community is big, they really like to shoot. They end up making a new friend or whatever, they go shoot with them.

A lot of people you could pre judge shooting before doing it, they do it and see how it is enjoyable and good protection.

I took a new person last week, never shot a gun in his life and he did good patterns at 35 feet.

Natural talent at it.


Good job,

So, if she is going to be your future Daughter-in-Law, what type of gun are you going to give as the wedding gift :D.
