Took a Canadian anti to the range yesterday and...


New member
She liked it!

This was a friend from college that I've known for 6 or 7 years. We've had conversations in the past about gun issues and she's always talked about how much better it is in Canada because no one has guns etc. She finally agreed to go with me to the range even though she has always been very afraid of guns and knew nothing about them. I gave her an introduction to firearms and a safety rule session before we went.

She wanted to start off with my little .25 Astra and eventually move up to the Beretta 92 FS and Walther P99 if she was comfortable enough.

After 2 magazines with the Astra she was already asking to shoot the 9mms. Before long she was asking to shoot the .45! She ended up shooting my HK USP .45 Compact more than anything, and she did pretty well with it! She shot the best with the HK P7M8.

Afterward she asked when we could go again and was asking about other guns I had.

She's still not sure about her stance on gun issues, but at least now she can form an opinion based on facts and first hand experience.

I have 2 more new shooters scheduled to go in the next 2 weeks (both are somewhat anti). I'm really looking forward to it. Taking new shooters to the range has been one of the most rewarding shooting experiences for me. :D

Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
Makes me wonder what percentage of anti-Second Amendment bigots have never fired a firearm. I'll bet it's significantly higher than that of the population as a whole.


Moderator Emeritus
Good on ya, Gino! :)

Just think... If every TFLer took one anti (or fence-sitter) shooting once a month, there would be nearly a quarter of a million people with a better perspective on firearms.


New member
she's always talked about how much better it is in Canada because no one has guns etc.

Now that she is discovering the fun side of shooting, perhaps you should educate her of the fact that on a per-capita basis there are as many guns in Canada as there are in the US.

Half the battle is to convince antis that guns are not evil, the other half is to dispel the lies and rhetoric. The US crime problem is socialogical and has nothing to do with gun ownership percentages (otherwise Switzerland and Canada would be far more violent).



New member
The Canadian Government's own figures put the number of guns in Canada at 7 million. Multiply by 3 for the real number. Ask her why, if there are 7 million guns and 30 million Canadians, one in five people haven't been shot.

You can't do anything with a hard-core anti, but the neutrals usually come on board once they burn powder, and they're the majority.



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Standing Wolf
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Registered: 04-26-2002
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Not so long ago, that read California. You are missed.


"Nuke the anti-Second Amendment bigots!"


New member
It's scary

I know a retired Canadian Mountie that is dead set against possession of guns by anyone..He also has two sons that are presently Mounties..

He spent 32 years with the RCMP and has never owned a gun and was relieved to get rid of the one they issued him when he retired..

Now that is brainwashed!!


New member
Make sure you let her know the next time you see her that she wouldn't be ALLOWED to own your P7 (in all likelihood) in Canada; most P7s have a barrel less than 106mm, which is our present cut-off for "Saturday Night Specials":barf:
BTW, Iggy, I am also a Mountie, so not all of us think the way the one you know does.