Too soon to upgrade my G21SF?


New member
Okay since I shot my Glock 21SF for the first time this last Sunday I realized that as awesome as it was (and effective enough for it's purpose) I should really look into upgrading, because its like hey the parts are there and it will help. But is it too soon to say "this needs upgrades" after only one range trip?

Things I'm considering:
Quick Grip Sleeve.
Stainless Steel Guide Rod Assembly [I dont like the plastic one]
Enlarged Slidelock [whatever its called]

Any suggestions?


New member
If you need a grip sleeve, then why did you buy the SF? You won't gain much grip, but will make the grip bigger.

I personally like the bigger slide release, but the metal guide rod is not necessary. Put some night sights on it and leave the interior alone. The Glock is a highly reliable and durable gun and doesn't need aftermarket improvement. Bling it up all you want, but for me and the millions of LEO that own them, factory parts are just right. If anything, you will hurt it's reliability.


New member
I own a 21sf. I bought it because my grip size was between the regular 21 & the sf, so I added a Pachmayr grip to mine. It made it feel perfect with the added size & finger grooves. I would add the night sites and the grip if you need a slightly bigger feel, but would lay off the interior work. They make the guide rod plastic so that it won't wear on other parts. Ok, price might be part of it, but I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt here.:)

Amin Parker

New member
Use the money you were planning on using and buy magazines and lots of ammo. Then go to the range and enjoy the gun.

Thats what i would do, have fun