Too Many Guns?


New member
A few months ago I decided to reduce the size of my war chest to three automatics. I have owned a bunch of them over the years, and some were difficult to part with.

The end result is an HK P200sk for carry. A USP .45 for range & HD. A PX4 Storm for the range and back up HD.

The results have been eye opening, because I'm shooting better, and enjoying it more than I have in years. Having many guns around can be allot of fun, but sometimes distracting. If anyone is interested here is a list of guns I gave to family members, sold or traded.

CZ P01
CZ 75B
PT-111 Mil. Pro.
Browning Pro-9
Ruger P345D
Ruger 95D
Sig. P232
Colt Lawman
Colt Python
SW 686-2
SW 66
SW 586-7
SW 625JM
SW 629 Mt. Gun.
Taurus 85 UL
Taurus 85, 3"
Taurus 689
Taurus 66
Taurus 627 Tracker
Taurus 455


To me gun ownership is a hobby,investment and personal defense.I have an Hk P2000SK,S&W 642,and Kahr PM9 for personal defense and carry. If I have a gun that has appreciated alot in value and I don't shoot it much I will sell it and buy something else.My collection is always in a state of flux because I enjoy trading as much as shooting.I own way too many and it's growing because I end up buying more than I sell.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Over the years, I've bought, sold, and traded many times over:eek:, that is
UNTIL NOW; I've told myself to NEVER part with another firearm.:cool: The
world is just too damn crazy too go about without protection~!;) :D


New member
You sold your Python?!!!:eek:
Hey Hot Sauce...isn't that a personal question?? LOL!
You're absolutely right Top. That definitely is a personal slam that, I will need to immediately report to staff, and have that Python loving Hot Sauce removed from amongst out midst!!!

Cool down Sauce. I gave it to my son under the conditions it be handed down inside the family, and not to some maggot infested son-in-law!:eek: Hell, all I've done is look at it, fondled it, and checked that smoooth action from time to time.

I agree with all of you about keeping our guns, and I'm not advocating anyone strip their war chest. I think my 3 automatics, backed up by, 2 shot guns, backed up by 3 revolvers, is enough fire power for me for now. At my age, I thought it was time to down size. That way I get to have some say in what happens to my collection. ;)

I took my big three to the range today in 95 degree heat (yup! that is 95 above zero) and couldn't shoot because of improvements being made. But 95 is tough on us northern guys, especially when the humidity is 75%. When I get that itch to shoot 95 is OK, 65 is better...:D


New member
ditto "hot sauce"

I hope you gave that Colt Python to a favorite son, grandson, nephew, etc. AFAIC, that's a jewel, and should be kept in the family.


New member
Never Too Many

I was doing my own current inventory today and counted 58 currently owned :eek: . Many of these are items deliberately purchased in duplicate to eventually pass on to my kids. A few are just because I wanted one. :D

I totally agree with having control of what happens to your collection. Nice job Bullrock.


New member
Ilive by 2 philosophies......
1) if you sell a gun, then that's one more gun that could be pointed at YOU !!!

2) If you find that your house is full of too many guns........sell.......and get a bigger house !!!! :D


New member
on the other hand..

When Hillary comes to town in two years, he will be $20k to the good. When they come to kick your door down and take what's left, you only need one :)


New member
BULLROCK... now did you actually get rid of all of them, or do you intend to?? I am doing whatever I can to build my collection up. If you have anything else you are looking to get rid of, please get in touch with me... I will drive up to maine, it is not that far from me. Please let me know.


New member
OK! You guys waiting in line to get adopted, forget about it! My wife wants a girl!!!

I know you're all excited about becoming my son and getting a free gun or two, but you're missing my point.

The last two times at the range I have shot better than I have in some time, and I'm having more fun. I think that can be attributed to being more focused on several guns as opposed to a closet full. And my house weighs less, so my property taxes should go down...Right!!!

Texshooter, I don't need a mom. My wifes subsitutes from time to time, especially when I pout and suck my thumb!!!

Dream on Nagano21, they're gone, and all transactions were final. Of course if my grandson ever becomes a convicted felon, and has to give up his automatic gift, I may reconsider you!!!

tony pasley, even if my wife capitualted on a girl, I couldn't adopt you. Your from NC, and you just wouldn't be able to handle Maine winters anymore than I can handle NC summers...I invited an old Navy buddy from NC to come to Maine, meet the family, get fixed up, etc. He didn't want to because he thought it would be too cold.

I convinced him that while it was cold in Maine the air was very dry (Right!) and he wouldn't feel the cold. I still have nightmares about him cursing at me!!!

BoonDoggie, you can't be my son, you're too intelligent. I require a son who is basically stupid. That way, I win all the arguments...

Thanks M14. While the young are immortal, some of us older types realize, you can't take them with you. I can invision myself standing in front of the Golden Gate with a pile of guns stacked up around my neck, yelling, Anyone Home??? ;)