Too bad Tasco is out of business.


Staff Alumnus
Saw a Tasco EXP 1.5-6 power oval objective scope mounted on a .458 Lott this weekend at a gun show.

Had seen this now defunct product on sale for as little as $50 at Natchez but they are now sold out. Saw next best price around $80 at CDNN. Anyone see a better price for this?

I was so impressed I might buy two. Great scope for a brush rifle or carbine.


New member
That is IF it can deal with the recoil - SOme of the benchrest folks have found some surprising things can happen to scope reticles...


New member
too bad???

i say good riddance. how long did they think they could continue to peddle junk on consumers and remain profitable? perhaps at one time or another they produced fair optics...but some of the stuff is pure garbage, not even fit for the rem 710.


I recently read I believe in Gun Week that Tasco will be bought by another optical company and continue to sell optics. How soon this will take place is anyones guess.


New member
Tasco bought by Bushnell. check out

Date: July 2, 2002
Contact: Laura Olinger


Overland Park, KS - Bushnell® Performance Optics, the worldwide leader in sports optics, announced today that Bushnell has purchased the Tasco trade name and all intellectual property of Tasco Worldwide, Inc. This acquisition provides Bushnell with the worldwide selling and marketing rights of Tasco and Tasco products. Bushnell is a privately held company funded by Wind Point Partners, a private equity investment firm...



New member
I think Tasco's downfall was their split personality. On one hand, they made pretty good higher-end scopes, especially for the money. On the other, they peddled low end junk that was way below standard in terms of relative quality and reliability. The bad reputation and service problems brought about by the low end was their demise.

It will be interesting to see what Bushnell does with it. I sure hope they revive Tasco's high end line and let the low end one stay dead.


New member
My understanding is that Tasco never manufactured anything, that they were just an importer that OEMed scopes from various overseas suppliers and put their name on them.
I consider myself fortunate in having purchased a used Tasco SS 10x40 from Prof. My other Tascos are for playing with.


New member
I've got 5 Tasco scopes, all have performed superbly - never a glitch.

I always wonder when people bad mouth them what they're experience is based on. I imagine 90% of the time it's a rectal outburst based on hearsay.


New member
Never had a Tasco scope, but do have some binoculars that work well. Hope Bushnell does some good with the name...


New member
My deer rifle (Remington 700 Mountain in .270 Winchester) has worn a Tasco 3-12X for over 10 years. It has never fogged, gone dark, moved from zero, etc. since it was mounted up.

Don't know what they have been like lately, but 10 years ago or so they made a good scope for me!

Ron L

New member
Despite a few reports of the lower end models, I found one of the Tasco World Class scopes in the clearance bin at Dunham's for $20. It's the 2x8 matte black rifle scope. According to their sticker, the MSRP was $109 and they were blowing it out. I took the last one they had at that store. I had the intentions of putting it on my 357 lever gun (yeah, I know it's a bit sacrilegious to put a scope on a lever gun, but I'd like to know what it'll really do). Since the scope should be OK on rifles, rimfires, and shotguns, I figured that the minimal recoil of this particular gun shouldn't do any harm.


New member
"Too bad Tasco is out of business."

Yeah ! It's too bad. There just aren't enough cheap scopes available!:rolleyes:


New member
Whitefeather, welcome to TFL!

If you want a real scope, get a Nightforce NXS. Trust me... you get what you pay for!!

From your username, I'll have to say you're used to paying a LOT, especially if you hung a Nightforce on a Springfield, Inc. M25 White Feather edition collector's item. ;)


New member
I have a Tasco World Class 3x9x40 that has been sitting on a Winchester model 70-.270 for 15 years. It has given great service.
It is still clear, and holds POA.