Tony Blair gives the Speech of his Life

Jeff Thomas

New member
The pieces are indeed in flux. When they settle, hopefully it will be after a limited conflict, not a global conflagration. And, hopefully it will result in the destruction of terrorism ... not the globalization of a socialist dream.,1414,562269,00.html

"This is a moment to seize," he said. "The kaleidoscope has been shaken, the pieces are in flux, soon they will settle again. Before they do let us reorder this world around us and use modern science to provide prosperity for all.

Regards from AZ


New member
I didn't hold this guy in high regard because of his friendship with Klinton. But I must day that I'm pleasantly surprised and moved by his communication skills. During the same segment where they aired portions of his speech they also showed the Gurkas attacking a machine gun with their Kukris'. I understand they have been deployed and are honed for action. What fighters they are!


New member
Remember Clinton had excellent communications skills. A speech doesn't mean doodly. The actions taken in the future will be whats important.


New member
According to a "60 Minutes" piece that aired a few years ago, Blair studied Clinton closely for his own election campaign, and used many of the same mannerisms.

Having said that, I thought the first half of Tony's speech was indeed magnificent — The kind of imagery you'd expect from Churchill. The second half veered into many of the same old "New World Order" cliches that we've heard before — something to appease the local audience, no doubt.

It's been a hell of a month — The two world leaders that only several months ago would have placed first and second on most pundits' "biggest twits" lists turn out to be eloquent, very capable leaders.