Tonights Americas Most wanted


New member
This was very scary tonight. At the end of the show there was a guy talking about all the "GOOD" tips that they have been getting. He gave an example:

"One tip that is promosing is a person that owns a white van and IS REPORTED TO OWN GUNS. He also might have recently had a tragedy in his life...."

Wow if you have a van, guns, and have ever suffered a tragedy then be on the look out.


New member
Now I know why mom called me a couple days ago because I own one of those "evil black guns". She was worried that some ninny would try to turn me in or the ATF would raid my place.

I do appreciate that AMW helps put away the bad guys....

...they just don't need to imply that people who own guns and have "problems in their lives" are going to shoot up people. I already get an occassional "Watch out, Betty's going to shoot someone!" when I'm slightly disgruntled at work. :rolleyes:


New member
Quit complaining because I fit the profile.....

White male 25-30, many guns, sometimes gets mad at the world, played role playing games, plays violent video games, is originally from Maryland and has a father who drives a white Dodge Caravan.

I have a pot of coffee on for the ATF as we speek. I figure I will just ask them what took them so long.

In all seriousness I hope this guy had a little murphey's law strike him, like a car accident, KB, piano fell on him etc or better yet was killed in a robbery or something.

I just tell my family and friends up their to keep moving. Hey if you can't try and laugh about it you will go crazy.

So many *******s so few bullets.


New member
...they just don't need to imply that people who own guns and have "problems in their lives" are going to shoot up people. I already get an occassional "Watch out, Betty's going to shoot someone!" when I'm slightly disgruntled at work.

I get the same line. I really hate that.:( Especially since I'm usually pretty happy-go-lucky at work. The people that stress out the most around my office don't even own guns.


New member
I get it some too - The people who say it usually get snapped at, and informed that I'm a nonviolent person, unless I absolutely have to be due to someone else being violent, and that I'm a target shooter - that is NOT a violent sport. In fact, I've seen FAR more violence at little league baseball games than I have at rifle ranges.


New member
I have gotten "watch out he might go postal" type statements.

My response to that has been basically "Has there ever been any question about exactly how pissed off or not I have been about something at work?" When they say no, I then point out "THat's because I express my feelings rather than choking it down and building up a lot of resentment. You want to worry about someone, worry about the ones you know catch a bunch of S!@# and make a point of acting like nothing's bothering them."

It usually get's the point across that you'd have to be dead or twice as stupid to not know if I'm gruntled or not and the likelyhood that I wouldn't just tell you right then and there is close to nil.

The best one I got was from a boss. I was correcting someone's misconceptions regarding the local gun laws as well as some of their misconceptions about the criminal code, assault, and deadly force. My boss whipped out the line "You know, it's scary that you know all about these laws." My response was, "no, what's scary, if you think about it, is that what you are saying is you would feel more comfortable if I owned guns and was completely ignorant of my legal responsibilities regarding their possession and use." The amazing thing is he seemed to actually grasp what I had said.

Guy B. Meredith

New member
Always remind people that unlike baseball, football, basketball and especially soccer venues there are no guards or police required at recreational shooting events.

Nanaimo Barr

New member
I gotta admit. I don't understand it, I NEVER get that kinda stuff from people.

then again, I live in Idaho, even had a "rainbow family" friend ask me to teach her son how to shoot..

oh, and KSFreeman, I turned you in, and I got cash!

another okie

New member
When someone makes one of those snide remarks you need to challenge them on it. Say something like: "I am a law abiding person. It is inappropriate to make me feel uncomfortable here in the work place. Please do not start rumors about me." It's amazing how fast workplace gossip can go from "he owns guns" to "he threatened to shoot us all up."