Tommyguns - AutoOrdnance/Kahr


New member
Auto-Ordnance (Kahr) has its new Tommygun line out ( Anyone have any comments about these new/old weapons? Do they make sense for home defense? Or is this strictly a "nostalgia" buy? Anybody tried one?
I shot my roommate's Kahr M1 Thompson and I think it is a great little carbine. The receiver end is a bit heavy, but it is accurate for one's need for a carbine.

It has some nostalgia to it except for the 16" barrel is longer than the original.

Magazines for the Thompson won't fit the one from Kahr/Auto Ordnance unless some minor modification is done to them.

Try the search because there has been plenty of discussion on these carbines.


A lot would be for nostalgic purposes, but that doesn't nmean it wouldn't be cool. ;) If you could get a 50 round drum, that would be even better.


New member
Two items...

Well only one item as I decided not to bore you with how Kahr Arms really has nothing to do with A.O. and the Thompson.

Two, I would never think of using one for home defense because of the very long barrel plus its weight. The only thing I find useful for home protection would be the fact it uses a .45 caliber. Find a pistol in .45 caliber for home protection. The only Thompson I would use for home protection is the model 28, but would have a hard time explaining to the police why the burglar has 50 holes in them. :D So, I just keep my Glock 21 handy instead.

As far buying one for taking out to the range.... Nah. Don't bother. Not worth the money. Plus they are extremely ugly with their long barrel. :barf: For the money (about $800) you could easily buy a high end .45 (Sig, Kimber, Colt) or even a top end rifle for shooting.


i just dont care for the long barell either.and the tommy gun is really the one gun that just has to be fully auto to be taken seriously.can you imagine the wight of that beast with a full 50 round drum.


New member
I've owned three different Auto Ordnance pre-kahr Thompsons.
They were very accurate, and totally reliable .

They COULD be used for home defense, (there are people who use the Colt Single Action Army as a defense gun). However, they are really a nostalga item, like the Colt SAA, the Winchester 1873, and the very early 1911 Colt autos.

If any weapon was overbuilt, it was the Thompson. In these days of aluminum and plastic, it's still milled steel and American walnut. I view it as a prestige and sheer nostalga gun. Since most of us aren't allowed full auto weapons, and couldn't afford them in any case, this is as close as we can get.

Plus, their just plain FUN to shoot.