Tom Knapp vs. a Sleuth of Bear

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Mal H

You know how folks are always saying "there's no such thing as a dumb question"?

I believe we might need to rethink that position. ;)

"sleuth" of bear???


New member
You know how folks are always sayi
TheFiringLine Forums - Reply to Topicng "there's no such thing as a dumb question"?

There was context to the thread in the rifle section. When it was moved it lost it's brother thread (Pick which of these rifles vs. a charging coastal Brownie?). I guess if one has to explain the joke it was never that funny. But, you must admit it's at least a notch above "9mm vs 45acp".

Other versus threads I'd like to see:

dull sword vs sharp stick
liberals vs lightbulb
conservatives vs world
seecamp vs seabee vs CB (citizen's band)
7x57 vs 275 Rigby
:rolleyes: vs :barf:
bb gun vs eye

Smokey Joe

New member
Fiddlesticks to the "official" collective noun!

It's the collective noun.

sloth/sleuth are interchangable I believe
First off, sloth means laziness; idleness (or a particular slow-moving South American mammal), while sleuth is a noun synonym for "detective." So they are hardly interchangeable.

Secondly, as far as these so-called "correct collective nouns" are concerned, (e. g. "an exaltation of larks") IMHO they aren't that at all. Somebody used them once, in literature, in an original and imaginative way to describe the group of animals in question. This original and imaginative usage was a laudible piece of creative writing. Later, somebody else--NOT a creative writer--with nothing to do one afternoon, ferreted out all these original and imaginative first uses and decreed that henceforth, everyone else was to slavishly copy this use.

This hardly furthers the cause of creative, beautiful, intelligent writing. So while a group of lions may (or may not) look proud, and a group of kangaroos may possibly be leaping, I for one refuse to necessarily call the group of lions a "pride," or the group of kangaroos a "hopping." And if the group of larks happens to be cold, wet, and miserable, calling them an "exaltation" would be an insult.

To make this gun-related: Let's have a salute by a "booming" of AR-15's!!


New member
Wow Joe, you and your consternation of cynics must be a hit at the parties.

As for as your piffling on language is concerned take a look at the OED. It aquires new words based on repetition of use. Sloth and sleuth have been used by at least one creative person and copied by enough others to become an accepted collective noun.

Having fun with language doesn't require creative authorship. I doubt I have had an original thought in my life. Odds are I'm not alone.

Smokey Joe

New member

Wow Joe, you and your consternation of cynics must be a hit at the parties.
LOL!!! Actually, we sit around a smouldering fire, in the rain, drinking flat beer and grumbling to each other. When we've had enough of that, we each go home and eat a haggis.

Sorry, I just don't have any use for an official list of required collective nouns.

And were I a detective, and someone called me a sloth, I'd take offense.
I doubt I have had an original thought in my life.
You have my condolences.
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