Toledo, Ohio Gun Laws: The California of the North Coast


Moderator Emeritus
This is infuriating!

Proposed new laws in the City of Toledo would:
  • Make it illegal to sell, trade or give away semi-automatic firearms with magazines larger than 10 rounds. You could inherit such a weapon as long as you dispose of it or render it inoperable within 60 days. Current owners of these firearms would have to keep a form that is signed and notarized that states the firearm’s make, model and serial number.
  • Require gun owners to register each firearm they own with the police department. Currently gun owners are required to register themselves with police.

Might as well require them to wear a scarlet letter "G" or Star of David armband. :mad:

Weapon ban moves toward council vote
Toledo Blade

Article published Jan 23, 2001

After more than two years of debate, Toledo city council likely will vote tonight on a proposed ban of certain semiautomatic weapons and to send back to the administration a proposal on gun registration.

The proposed draft would make it illegal for owners of certain semiautomatic weapons, sometimes referred to as assault weapons, to sell, trade, or give them away.

Council President Peter Ujvagi said he asked for the legislation to be brought out of committee and voted on because he believes council is at a point where it has studied the issue long enough.

The proposed law targets weapons that have magazines capable of firing more than 10 rounds at a time.

Federal law prohibits the sale of certain semiautomatic rifles, pistols, and shotguns.

But that law allows people who owned such weapons before the federal ban to keep them or to bequeath them to others. Toledo’s proposal would outlaw those transfers.

The draft would permit owners of such weapons to keep the guns if they complete an acknowledgment form that describes the make, model, and serial number of the weapon. The form, which the owner keeps, must be signed and notarized.

The proposal would make it legal to inherit such a weapon as long as the person taking possession of it does so with the purpose of disposing it or rendering it inoperable within 60 days of obtaining it.

It would exempt any gun that was 50 years old as of Jan. 1.

The legislation was part of a package of four gun-control laws proposed for a second time by Mayor Carty Finkbeiner in August, 1998. Council would not act on versions of the law the mayor first proposed in 1997 because of intense public opposition.

Amended forms of two of the laws - one which would ban the possession and sale of small, easily concealed guns and another that would make it a crime for anyone to leave a loaded firearm anywhere that someone under age 18 is likely to gain possession of it - were adopted by council in 1999.

The fourth proposal calls for owners to separately register each weapon they own with the police department, instead of registering themselves as gun owners, which the law now requires.

Council is expected to send that proposal back to the mayor without action tonight.


New member
If you click on the link and scroll to the bottom of the article, there is another link to the paper's forum. (Forum on this topic). They just open a window with no URL.

There's a thread titled "Toledo Gun Law" by Matt of Colorado, who tears the Councilmen a new one. What is scary is Janet's (as in prey) response. It is unbelievable that people with this mindset survive to adulthood. "Guns should be in the hands of our military and law enforcement officials. Yes, the constitution says we have the right to have guns, but society has become ignorant on the proper use of a firearm.
I am aware criminals will obtain guns that will kill innocent people. But my faith in God gives me comfort that his plan for me has already been set. And if that means I will experience death by someone killing me or my family with an illegal gun, so be it. Only God has the right to choose."

You can drop the managing editor a line at: The City Council doesn't have a central email, but here's the Council's president's: His phone number is 245-1050.

The Councilmen at Large are:,,,

For any of you Toledo residents, check out this site (which has phone numbers) to determine who is your district's Worthy:

The roaches won't run unless you shine a light on them - they're not used to it.

The pending law is at: Assault Weapons Legislation

Check out this melange of Constitutional ignorance and outright lies:
"WHEREAS, assault weapons have such a high rate of fire and capacity for firepower that their function as a legitimate sport or recreational firearm is substantially outweighed by the danger that they can be used to kill and injure human beings; and

WHEREAS, assault weapons, because of their capacity and firepower, pose a special danger of being used in the commission of crimes and against law enforcement; and

WHEREAS, the proliferation and use of assault weapons poses a threat to the health, safety and security of all citizens of Toledo; and

WHEREAS, assault weapons are the most commonly traced gun for organized crime and drug trafficking offenses; and

WHEREAS, banning assault weapons will help prevent firearm violence and reduce the risk to law enforcement, NOW, THEREFORE, . . ."

And Toledo calls itself "A Renaissance City"! Evidently not the age of Michelangelo, more like that of that little Austrian, what's his name? :(

[Edited by Oatka on 01-23-2001 at 01:54 PM]


New member
Intense Public Opposition

Doesn't look like they heeded the outcry. I just don't understand OHIO, States all around have CCW and we just get more laws. The fight goes on.


You will have to decide to run candidates against them in their primaries. If they are Demos, run as a Demo. GOP:GOP. This is what we are doing here in Arizona. You can jabber all you want at the city council meetings. Sometimes that works. Other times they are too committed to bend. You have to work to take votes away from them. And it can't just be a gun thing. Find out how many interested groups the councilman or mayor pissed-off. Then form a coalition to back your candidacy.

You may win, you may lose....

but imagine the chance to debate them during the campaign. What fun.



New member
The pending law


Now, Therefore, I declare this is the rantings of an Idiot. :barf:


New member
It's not that I hate this State (Ohio). Just most of the idiots that hold public office here. Even the decent ones turn on us. Idiots like Carty Finkbeiner, Dennis Kucinich, John Glenn and Mary Rose are one thing, but jerks like Taft that talk the talk until they get elected gotta go.


New member
One of RickD's gems of wisdom . . .

"Find out how many interested groups the councilman or mayor pissed-off. Then form a coalition to back your candidacy."

Case in point is this "National Monument" and related wilderness road closing closing crap. I passed on some info to the Mountain Bike message boards and a magazine or two. No replies back yet, but this is the kind of coalition RickD is talking about, IMO. If the politicians/bureaucrats can ban hunting this way, they sure as Hell will close it off to ALL humanity.

People who couldn't care less about gun ownership may still have a common interest with us and that area should actively be explored, especialy when it comes to flushing the local toilet.