Tokarev TT 33


New member
I've been looking at Tokarev's for a little while now, and I think I'm interested in getting one. My birthday is around the corner, and I've got $400 to play with, and a TT 33 seems like a fun little range toy. I'm looking for some input from the more experienced.

I've searched the forums, but turned up little and with the import market constantly changing, I'm looking for some fresh info. It seems that I would most likely end up with a Romanian version, since they seem to be the most popular and least expensive.

So, what's your advice on Tokarev's?

I also understand that just about all surplus ammo is corrosive, but the cheap price is worth the hassle. I clean all my guns after range trips, but I don't fully dissemble them. I usually field strip them and clean them as best I can. Is there any special procedure to clean up after shooting corrosive ammo?

chris in va

New member
Corrosive ammo = salts. Spray some Windex down the pipe after each range session, follow with a patch...done.

Don't pay $400 for a Tokarev though. Holy moly.


New member
Not a Tokarev

But have a look at the CZ 52. Inexpensive, yet well made. SOG has them for 120 bucks if you have a C+R. Best buck twenty I've spent in a long time.
With your budget you can have the pistol and 2 cans of Romanian surplus 7.62X25. Just can't beat it. The funky grip does grow on you:)


New member
I had a Norinco 213 (Chinese Tokarev copy) in 9mm. Fit and finish was horrible and the gun looked like a hunk of junk. Accuracy and reliability, however, were superb. I wound up selling it because I already had a CZ-75 and couldn't really justify two 9mm's.


New member
Polish tokarevs have superb fit and finish. They were made at the random factory in poland where there is a long history of quality firearms.

Mine shoots like a laser out to 40 yards (kudos to the 7.62x25 cartridge!). My father-in-law, best friend and the prez of my shooting club all went out and bought one once they shot mine.

For $400 you can get a polish tok plus 1600 rounds of surplus bulgarian ammo! Before I get flamed for suggesting bulgarian ammo...I have shot 1600 rounds through my pol w/o a single problem! Plus ~ 250 rounds of privi/wolf JHP! I am now 1/2 way through a tin of romanian and I get at least 1 FTF/72 round pack of ammo! my tok has tight tolerences and seems to like the bulgarian/privi/wolf ammo.