Todd Jones confirmed as permanent ATF director

Former Minnesota US Attorney Todd Jones has been confirmed by the Senate to be permanent director of the BATFE.

The Bureau has been without a permanent director since Carl Truscott left under a shadow of ethics and budget violations in 2006. He had only served 2 years.

Since then, the Burea has had two acting directors, the last of which was Kenneth Melson. Melson resigned last year after an OIG report on Operation Fast & Furious laid a great deal of responsibility for the mismanagement at his feet.

Despite opposing (and defeating) Andrew Traver's appointment in 2009, the NRA has been largely quiet on Jones, and appears to have remained neutral on the issue.

Despite concerns over Jones' record as US Attorney, the Senate voted 53-42 for confirmation. Among the "ayes" were Mark Kirk (R-IL.), Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), Susan Collins (R-ME.), Lindsay Graham (R-SC.), John McCain (R-AZ.) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK).


New member
I see this position as essentially that of a figurehead, so it's really not all that important who occupies the billet. The BATFE director, regardless of who holds the post, will undoubtedly do as instructed by the USAG.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
If IIRC, the NSSF said it was ok - they disagreed with the appointee but found Jones professional and pleasant.

NRA said they were neutral. Or so the press said.


New member
I don't know anything about Jones but hopefully the stance, or non-stance, of the NRA and NSSF is a harbinger of fair enforcement and faithful execution of Jones' sworn duties. That's all we can expect.