Todays the day!


New member
Finally, after many months of work, frustration, success and research, I will take my 1917 Enfield 30-06 rifle to the range for its second maiden voyage.
It started out as a bubba-ized '17 Enfield that I bought through the internet.
An internet stock blank, and some parts from Brownells (great folks there) and a scope through the internet. glass bedded, free floated, Dayton Traister trigger & Cock on opening etc.
So today, I will find if it will shoot well enough after all the work to proceed or if it will need a new barrel.
My gunsmith says the barrel (replaced during arsenal rebuild many many years ago) looks very good and the work I did all looks proper and safe. (Yes I had a good smith check it over for safety after all my work.)
I'm looking for 2 moa or better @ 100 yds.
If all is well, it will go to a local smith for finishing, probably guncote or possibly blueing, depending upon the finishers opinion and a properly fitted recoil pad.


New member
Please do not fire it. Since it is a converted milsurp, it will blow up and shower the planet with molten hot receiver parts, causing melting of the polar ice caps, extinction of the Snail Darter, and causing old women to lose control of their bladders. Ship it to me, along with 100 rounds, er, I mean, ALL of you ammo (yeah, that sounds better) and I will save the world from disaster.:)

I can see you are awestricken by my spirit of self-sacrifice and concern for the welfare of humanity. Thank you. Please do not ship it COD since the end of the world will render all boxtops and soup can labels absolutely worthless and I would have to pay in Yuan.

Nice rifle. Range report, please?


New member

I spent three hours at my local range today. The first thing I found out was that the scope was / is a piece of s - - -.
It would not respond to adjustments properly. Started out at 50 yds, got it on paper & tried to adjust from there. I finally gave up on trying to center the groups on the bull, so I just left it where it was and shot for groups.
5 rds into about 1/2". A nice tight little group with almost all of them touching each other. It did not change POI with barrel heat either.
Moved from there to 100 yds, shot my last 6 rds into a group 7/8" vertically and 1 1/4" horizontally. The horizontal is my wobble as I did not use a rear bag or rest, just my mark 1 mod 1 shoulder.
No load development, no special ammo, just the reloads I use in my Garand.
I think I have a keeper!
Well, a new scope is planned and now I know that the rifle is worthy of further work in finishing.
Happy I am.
