todays the day!!


New member
well finally after 5 months of plans getting messed up one way or another today my girlfriend and her son are going to the range with me this afternoon , I loaded some soft rounds for her to start out on and bought a brick of 22's for the Boy , (that will last what a whole 5 min :D ) she want to try out my .45 and .357's so I hope to have some fun . I will let you know the outcome . I have had several hurdels to get used to like how to shoot left handed ( shes a southpaw , and thanks to all the TFLer's for the advice on doing this I tried to learn left handed shooting arrrgghhh !! but now I know If i had to I could do it !) well now to load the arsenal up and get ready:D :D


New member
Have a safe and fun trip to the range. I love it when my son and or wife comes with me to the range. Let us know how it turned out.


New member
sorry it took so long I 've been away ( working) well it turned out real well , she is no longer gunshy and her son is a natural ( the little bugger got a X shot within the first clip using my 10/22 @ 100 feet . ) he was up to trying my 686 with mag loads and had a bit holding the barrel down from the recoil but isn't afraid of it ( wants to try my .45 lda would have but I had a squib fire and lodged one in the barrel ) she tried out all my revolvers fell in love with my Clark 686 (figures , the 2nd most expensive toy) , she tried the coonan with .357's but couldn't deal with the recoil (going to change over to the .38 springs nexttime ) I started her out with the lightest load in a .38 special and worked up not to scare her . she is getting to work her way up in loads but has a limp wristing problem . we shot up till we ran out of sunlight then I asked her son if he wanted to do this again and he said yea !! she wants to do it also but next time with the .45 ... the next day (sunday ) her son finally realized that he shot a real handgun and rifle and kind of still in shock . Oh I had fun also ... :D


New member
this is where the true stoke of shooting first begins.

coonan357 sounds like you introduced a couple of people to the world of firearms the right way.

good stuff. glad everything worked out.