Today's incident


New member
I went to the doctor today, and then I spent the next several hours shopping for a new gun. It was a beautiful day for it, and I want to stock up before Clinton or Giuliani tell me I can't have any, but that is a different post...

As I was leaving the Doctor's office, my way was blocked by a car, and the driver had gotten out and approached an SUV, the drivers were yelling at one another. Then, I hear the driver of the car yelling about how the other vehicle cut him off, then he tries to pull the female driver of the SUV out of the car through the window.

At this point, I stepped out of my own vehicle and yelled at the guy to get back in his car and leave. He looked at me and told me to mind my own business. I repeated my statement. He got in the car and left. I was gonna call the police, but the SUV left as well.

When I got to the gun store, there was a police detective in there. When I told the guys in the store what happened, the detective told me I shoulda shot the guy (he was joking) and then he said that he hopes that another cop or a CCW holder is around if that ever happens to HIS wife.

Some people have some anger control issues, I guess.


New member
Woman coulda pressed assault charges against the guy.

Here in Colorado, we have "Road Rage" charges which are available as well. They are similar to the increased charges when involving a hate crime.

chris in va

New member
I'm impressed and amazed a detective told you that. Amazing how some PO's will insist guns are only for LE while others appreciate the average citizen being armed. Never could figure that one out.