To Win the War on Terrorism (long!)


Staff Emeritus
Hank B asked me how I would fight the war on terrorism.

Here’s my quick answer.
Let’s start with a couple caveats.
1) I no longer am part of the intelligence community; therefore, my
guesses are only as good as anyone else’s’ guesses. Furthermore, much of
what follows already has been published on TFL - I’m not pretending
these thoughts are all mine.
2) Let’s make some points about Desert Storm.
a) There was no practical manner for us to force Iraq out of Kuwait by
ourselves. It would do no good to win a war against Iraq and loose the
economic and political “war” with the entire Middle East. Our U.S.
economy and much of our culture rely upon oil, etc.
b) Therefore, we were forced to separate Iraq from the Mideast (ie Arab)
community and form a coalition against Iraq. This was done under the
United Nations and the stated goal was to get Iraq out of Kuwait. We
had no permission to kill Saddam. We had the common sense not to
betray the fragile coalition which included such enemies as Israel and
various Arab nations and such outsiders as American, Brits, etc.
Therefore, it was, in practical terms, impossible to kill the Iraqi
government. And our hope that the Iraqi populace would rise up and
replace Saddam worked in Iraq just as poorly as it did decades before in
Cuba, ie zero results.
c) You state, “... The air campaign against Saddam didn't work - at least,
it wasn't conclusive - we had to send in ground forces.”
- The air campaign worked wonderfully. There were reports of Iraqis
surrendering to AIRCRAFT for God’s sake! Pilots didn’t know (at first)
how to herd the surrendering Iraqi soldiers toward coalition positions!
Iraqi forces were nearly destroyed before the bulk of American forces
invaded. (Special Forces teams had penetrated early and deeply into Iraq
- The air campaign could not bomb Iraq into total submission because
much of the Iraqi government was off-limits to air strikes or buried
beneath civilian facilities too politically sensitive to destroy. (Some
exceptions were made.)
- To occupy real estate of any value, it still takes a man with a gun or - in
our blind, pseudo-intellectual modern parlance, a man or woman with a
gun. However, if I remember correctly, more coalition forces were killed
by friendly fire than by enemy fire. (I’m not sure of that, by the way.)
Many more members of the coalition would have died had airpower not
been used. It was fabulously effective and saved many lives (on OUR
3) About nuking Canada and various of the United States. I hesitate to
speak for others; however, I believe such comments stress the need to
a) which states helped the terrorists inadvertently (as did Huffman
Aviation in Florida) and how do we prevent such inadvertent assistance,
b) which states knowingly aided and abetted the terrorists (so we can
label them “terrorist states).
Although there must be some consideration given to the extent of
involvement of each country, this decision-making process should be
nearly binary in nature.
So let’s get to HankB’s question:
Exactly how would I prosecute this war,
a) in which our enemies stretch across several countries
b) which knowingly provide aid to the terrorists
c) with a military that's less capable today than it was during Desert
Storm? ...
d) [When reports state] the chances of a military coalition like we had at
Desert Storm seem to be diminishing. (I hope I'm wrong about that, but it
doesn't look like we can count on anyone except - maybe - the Brits.)

This would be my best effort with the information I believe to be true.

DEFINING OUR FRIENDS (building a strong coalition)

In the eyes of the world, President Bush is a Texan. Let’s make use of the
world’s stereotyped opinions of Texans. In public, President Bush should
come on a bit strong - play the role of cowboy, political conservative and
saber-rattler - kept under control by Cheney, Powell and other members of
Bush’s confidantes.

However, in the quiet, hardball arena of confidential negotiations, Bush
should be very firm but realistic. He should, as Powell put it, use the war
on terrorism as a watershed to determine which countries of the civilized
world will cooperate and eradicate terrorism and who will not. Powell
considers this decision to be binary - either a nation is with us or it will be
called a terrorist state. Other issues (e.g. economic, political, etc.) should
be kept separate from the war on terrorism.

We should share intelligence information about terrorism among the
countries of the coalition. (Those who abuse this privilege should be
expelled from the coalition and declared a terrorist state.)

Now we have identified who is with us and who is against us. We will
have dedicated coalition partners who cooperate. Those remaining are
either our enemies or those with whom we share no intelligence and for
whom we provide no protection.



OIL: Our biggest weakness is our dependence upon foreign oil. It is the
greatest cause of our national trade deficit and makes us subservient to
OPEC and other such nations.
- We should develop domestic sources of oil. We have a LOT of oil - not
just the bit we have in reserves but oil which has been found and never
- We should develop sources of oil from countries willing to be part of
our coalition. Skip meddling in their internal affairs (human rights, etc.)
and stress the needs of our American economy.
- Simultaneously, we should develop alternative fuels to reduce our need
for oil. Ford Motor Company has a prototype vehicle which uses
abundant hydrogen as a fuel and exhausts only water. Ford says, “We
expect to deliver our first fuel cell-powered passenger cars for testing in
California this year.” (Ref For advertisement in National Geographic for
April, 2001, pages 18 & 19.) Surely other companies are rushing to
develop similar and/or competing technologies. The less we rely upon oil,
the less we must rely upon other countries and the more power we have to
force those countries to fight (rather than support) terrorism. Fer God’s
sake, if we can put a man on the moon AND bring him back safely, we
surely can develop some form of practical, alternative propulsion for cars
and trucks!

OTHER IMPORTS: We, as individuals, vote with our dollars when we
make a purchase. We should do the same as a nation.
- We should become as self-sufficient as possible.
- When we buy something, we should try to buy it from our friends in the
coalition against terrorism.
- To the maximum extent possible, we should boycott purchases (and
imports) from countries not supporting the war on terrorism.


CELLS: The key to the war is timely, accurate information about terrorist
and those who permit them to exist. The coalition, if it is to be effective,
must learn to share information with other coalition members.

Terrorist cells are extremely difficult to infiltrate. In many cases, cells are
made up of family members or close friends who have known each other
for long periods of time. They know how to keep secrets. Simply
FINDING such cells is difficult. Infiltrating them even more difficult.

The terrorists who hi-jacked our aircraft studied in our country and
learned perfectly legitimate occupations (eg pilot). Next time they could
learn water management (to learn how to poison our water supply),
become engineers (to learn how to bring down buildings or destroy other
targets of our infrastructure), or even practice medicine (to learn how to
infect us with horrible, fatal diseases).

Background investigations begin to infringe upon privacy, can be falsified,
and are ineffective against terrorists with no previous record or prior
intelligence attention.

Therefore, stopping terrorism at the “learning” level rarely would be of

Certain raw materials (certain chemicals, etc.) could be controlled more stringently, but
even then, many materials which terrorists might need can be easily stolen.
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Staff Emeritus
The enemies’ weakest links seem to be communication and supplies.

Once a suspected terrorist is identified, subject him to serious scrutiny.
Monitor his travels and his communications. Subject unusual encrypted or
encoded communications to severe scrutiny. Determine the origins and
the destinations of such communications to determine additional
intelligence targets. Use all available SIGINT intercept and analysis
efforts to determine the validity and value of the target. (All of a sudden
ECHELON doesn’t seem to be such a bad idea.)

Develop HUMINT resources of every reliable ilk. Create turncoats (both
real and imagined) to undermine the secrecy and confidence of terrorists.

Create terrorist front and “sting” organizations as we do for thieves.

Punish terrorists to the full extent of the law and, in some isolated cases,
use similar terrorist actions against them.

Conduct both misinformation and disinformation campaigns against the
terrorists to confuse them, create distrust among them, and otherwise
reduce their effectiveness and efficiency.

Whenever it can be done without compromising methods and sources,
publish articles about terrorists, the organizations, their methods of
operations, their activities and (most hopefully) their capture. Involve the
public in the war against terrorism.

And (I’ll bet you could see this one coming), train as many Americans as
possible in as many varied arts of self defense as possible. Cut the red
tape, taxes and fees on buying, owning, selling, repairing and possessing
firearms and ammunition.

Make gun ownership and related expertise honorable, effective and
efficient. Encourage arming personnel in schools, hospital, and public
places whenever it is safe to do so. Have government programs defining
approved curriculums and subsidize the training of the American people
so they may become Americans again.

If the media fight the program, omit the reporters from breaking news and
inside information. Reward the reporters who are with us, ignore those
who are not. Long ago, our self-serving media (reporters, publishers,
etc.) learned to gain market share by publishing what the government
wanted published. Those who speak against the government don’t get the
interviews, are NOT invited to the news conferences, etc. Now the time
has come to make the media dance to music that will awaken, train and
strengthen America. The government has the self-serving media by the
balls - now the government should exercise that power for the sake of
America rather than to enhance the political careers of individual

Put violent criminals in prison. Punish willful and wanton initiation of
excessive force (including deadly force) with severe confinement not
eligible for parole. Use acts of violence to justify individual strength
rather than immoral, weak acts of submission. Make burglary of a
habitation, assault and other crimes of violence so dangerous to criminals
that such acts decrease.

Encourage other countries to do the same.

Support and publicize the efforts of clerics who preach peaceful
coexistence (now there’s an old term!). Silence the radical clerics who
preach murder as a ticket to their Valhalla. Do this with the power of the
media and back it up with economic leverage (carrot & stick) and other
means as required.

If that upsets you, remember we are not dealing with rational terrorists.
These people will not desist by threatening their family, country or culture.
But these terrorists must be stopped.

COMSEC: We will be forced to make trade-offs between
intelligence-gathering and privacy. Therefore, just tell the American
people that their public communications are subject to being monitored.
No censorship, just monitored for intelligence-gathering purposes. This
will force terrorists to communicate by secure means (attracting the
competent attention of our code breakers) to by courier (thus exposing
other links in the terrorists’ networks).

Face facts. Our communications never have been secure - let’s admit it
and move on. Punish those who abuse COMSEC info. If any
government-related individual discloses such information or uses it for
personal gain, punish him with lengthy prison time.

So, I would guess my war on terrorism would begin as a bit simplistic and
incomplete, but we can refine and expand it as necessary.

However, on the spur of the sleep-deprived moment I would fight
terrorism by:
- identifying terrorists before they can act,
- tracking materials known to be used by terrorists,
- increasing all intelligence efforts stressing, SIGINT, HUMINT and CIA
resources to discover and track terrorists and to use their activities to
discover and track other terrorists (thereby uncovering entire networks),
- arming good citizens and training them to be difficult victims for
- creating a coalition of friendly nations to implement as many of the
above practices as possible,
- coercing as many nations as possible to join our friendly coalition,
- becoming as independent as a nation as possible - especially
- employing economic sanctions to reward our friends and to punish our
- employing social programs to create public awareness and abhorrence
of terrorism,
- using both surreptitious and conventional military and non-military
resources to keep terrorists on the run and so busy trying to survive that
they have little chance for sophisticated, time-consuming, coordinated
attacks as we just suffered in New York and Washington.

In other words, folks, the time has come to decide if we want to survive
and be free or if we want to live in danger - weak and afraid of violent

Me? I vote for Liberty and Freedom.

And I elicit any and all ideas and suggestions to make America both safe and free. It can
be done. We have the moral obligation to do it. We surely can improve upon the initial
meager efforts I have proposed