To ways (poster)

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
My server will be shut down shortly, so I am uploading this image to TFL.

...and the title of the post should have been "two ways".


  • twoways_s.jpg
    52.1 KB · Views: 178

Dave R

New member
One of the best. Great modeling, ROTL. That first pose is pure terror. The second is pure trouble for the BG.

mister rogers

New member
Excellent, the whole thing works - I've found your last couple to be very powerful. This one and the "Civil rights legislation didn't stop Klan riders. Men like him did." - one.

I find the words to another one: "Human beings understand, reason, compassion, dignity. Predators understand strength." - very powerful also - it works with the picture it has, I don't know why - it must be the power of the words because by itself the picture is good but not a powerful statement.

Anyway Oleg, I wish I could buy space in national magazines for your work - it needs to be shown to as many people as possible.
Thanks to you and "Runt," please keep up the good work.


New member
....and as Billboards on our highways.
Maybe change the color of the photo on the left to dark red in order to convey even more dread and fear? Perhaps it'll make an even greater contrast with the lighter photo on the right which communicates truth and self reliance. But I do understand the blues, grays, blacks, and whites go well together as a color scheme.

Caption on left photo "Victim" on the right "Survivor"? to simplify the message even more? Hey, you asked for suggestions Oleg! :D

Whatever color or caption, the message shouldn't be lost to anyone with good sense. Great photo!:cool:

aikidoka - mks

New member

imho - execellent imagery as is.

an idea - how about a version where someone is given a choice to select either one? then enter what state they live in. If its not a ccw state then the terrified picture comes up - sorry you are not allowed to fight back in your state. just a thought - not that the people whe need to see that ever will. To bad we cant get a good media campaign going using the images you have developed. I think they could positively affect enough of the sheeple who just go along with the media and politicians who are against the rkba.



New member
Kudos Oleg - another fine work.

Hey, how'd ya git Runt to strike such a realisitic pose in the first frame - ya tell her that you decided to give $1000.00 to Handgun Control Inc.?



New member
Picture on the left: (Betty sees Al Gore with his pants down)
(Initial reaction)

Picture on the right: (Betty tell him to pull his pants up... with an emphatic please....) :D


New member

Oleg, to date this is your best work i've seen you post.

Graphic, but not "over the top".

Well done.



New member

Big Runty Style:

Gettin' Siggy widdit....gettin' Siggy widdit.... ;)