To those of you that bought new USFA revolvers...


New member
...this will seem like a boneheaded question but how'd you get them?

I noticed they're offering a 100.00 rebate on new SAs but my local shop says he's given up on getting a call back.

On the assumption that he's just grousing I call USFA and, sure enough, all that's there is a recording. Does one deal direct with USFA using a transfer dealer or are you stuck with auction sites and whatever Cabelas might happen to have?


USFA is notorious for getting more phone calls than they can handle. If they don't get a handle on it, it will start hurting their business.


New member
CraigC: Actually, you've solved my problem.

I did a search on 'USFA' and, in one of your previous posts, learned of an alternative: just bought a 4-3/4" .45 Colt from Doug Turnbull. I was curious about charcoal blue and this should prove educational.

A circuitous way to get a USFA but effective. Don't believe I'd have stumbled across Turnbull without the 'search' function - I knew he was there but didn't realize he had a big pile of available product.



Glad you found it, that little tidbit slipped my mind this morning. Last contact I had with Turnbull, even the less popular calibers and barrel lengths weren't more than a couple weeks from shipping.


New member
Turnbull had what I considered to be a staggering amount of stock. A 5-1/2 would've only been a couple of days longer and there were enough 4-3/4 I could have gotten a pair with consecutive numbers if my budget was less of an issue - all this in .45 Colt - didn't even poke into the alternatives.

I'm new to SAAs and don't have a 4-3/4; I probably need one.

Very different from USFA and their answering machine. Turnbull has real people that answer the phone on the first ring - gotta love it.

They even had "pre-wars" in stock but I'm not sure I understand what it is and I'm familiar with the spring loaded gizmo anyway. I sure hope this doesn't turn into an addiction.