To sell or not... and what to get?


New member
I'm considering parting with my Sig 239 DAK 9mm. It's a GREAT gun but I find that I don't carry it (or even shoot it) very often anymore.

If I do sell it, I would immediately replace it with another 9mm handgun.

I'd be in the market for something a bit lighter with more capacity.

I still want a fairly compact gun that I could use for CCW. I'd like something with 10 to 12+1 capacity.

FWIW... I currently have a Glock 23 (sweet gun) so I could do the conversion barrel thing, but I'd rather not. I've considered the Glock 26, but I like to mix things up a bit... and if you've seen one...

So basically I'm looking for something slightly smaller than a G23/19 with more capacity than a Sig 239.

Any thoughts!?

Thanks :)


New member
I actually prefer the size of the Glock 19 over the sub-compact category. They're just too small for me, and I even have small hands. Never had problems carrying concealed in a 4" barrel either.

But to help you along, try the compacts of the XD or M&P? Both fairly reliable and similar to a Glock but not a Glock if that's what you're looking for. Light too.


New member
Might consider a Beretta PX4. Comes in full, compact, and subcompact. I have never fired this pistol, but do like the feel of it. I think it would be light enough for daily carry. Full size 17-19rds 9mm, assume compact is close and the subcompact is 13 rds 9mm. only other I would consider in the P225/P6 sigs, only they are only single stack and heavier. These come to mind right away, own the P6, want a PX4.


New member
Have you considered a CZ-RAMI P,,,

A friend of mine occasionally gets to shoot his wife's CZ-2075 RAMI P,,,
He bought it for himself but she saw it out on the table,,,
Said "What a cute pistol." and put it in her purse,,,
He only sees it when she wants it cleaned.

In 9mm it's only 10 shot,,,
But with the extended mag it holds 14.

She does let me shoot it on occasion,,,
It simply feels good and points even better.

If I were in the market for a concealable 9mm pistol,,,
This would be at the top of the list of possibles.

And contrary to my friends wife,,,
Rami's are not "cute",,,
They are sexy! ;)

subcompacts are hard to shoot, and you won't choose it at the range if you aren't shooting well with it.

go with a smaller end compact like the glock 19c or the cz p07 duty.
heavier guns can be easier to handle recoil on a smaller frame, so shying away from polymer can be a good strategy too. try out an hk p7.


New member
That is a slick pistola! I had honestly never heard of it before.

I will definitely add the RAMI to the list. The BD model is sweet too, though I doubt it weighs less than my 239.

The M&Pc also has my attention, my BIL has one in .40sw and I've always liked it.

ETA - thanks for the advice Dan... I do have a P7 in the collection and it's a tack driver!
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New member
I really need to try the RAMI, it could work:D! I'm not saying it will EVER replace my 9mm Glock, just that it could stand-in sometimes!


New member
The M&Pc also has my attention, my BIL has one in .40sw and I've always liked it.

I have an m&p40c, and as of late I am seeing more and more threads on various forums about "I can't believe how accurate of a little gun my m&p compact is". For me it is the perfect carry package, although I wish I had it in 9mm vs the .40 (trying to phase out loading for .40 and only to 9mm and 45). Even in .40 the recoil isn't bad due to the low bore axis, plus it is easy to shoot. I am almost as good of a shot with this compact as I am with my p229 in .40, and it took me quite a few more range sessions of serious practice to get where I am on my sig. This wasn't the case with the compact, about 2-3 range sessions of 200 rounds and the trigger started to smooth out and my groups tightened significantly. You can't go wrong (but you may want to consider an apex DCAEK if you aren't satisfied with the sometimes extremely gritty stock trigger).

It is the carry gun that you won't mind shooting hundreds of rounds through it while at the range.


New member
It is the carry gun that you won't mind shooting hundreds of rounds through it while at the range.

M&P and don't look back.......great gun....

I had a chance to swing by two LGS's last night, and I gotta say that I'm now leaning HEAVILY toward the M&Pc.

Of course niether of them had any CZ's on hand, so I had no chance to compare the two. I did handle the Beretta PX4 sub-compact, the XDm, and Glock 26... but I kept going back to the M&P.

I still have to part with the Sig 239 first, which I almost hate to do... but it doesn't get carried or shot much anyway.

I appreciate all the excellent feedback and suggestions!


New member
Another couple things to consider about the M&Pc with the grip extension it has almost the same grip as the full size (the back is a little smaller) and it will take the full size magazines.

Roland Thunder

New member
insolentshrew said:
I am seeing more and more threads on various forums about "I can't believe how accurate of a little gun my m&p compact is".

I bought the M&P 45c about 2 weeks ago. I had almost no experience shooting a .45, just maybe 100 rounds, max and I was just about as accurate with it as I am with my 9mm Sig 226 and it's a smaller gun, making it even more surprising.


New member
Cols., Ohio PD went the the M&P 40. I've not talked to one of the LEO's that have anything bad to say about them. Many, including a few close friends of mine are carrying the M&Pc off duty, and again, speak well of them also. They are all in agreement and say they are easy to shoot, I may add that these LEO's I'm speaking of, DO ACTUALLY shoot more often then when they have to qualify.:D.

I've shot two different ones and IMO, they are easy/comfortable to shoot as well as being accurate. Another plus is the choice of three different grip panels enabling customizing of grip fit.

At any rate, although I'm not currently shopping for a new cc weapon, I am interested in the M&P. A few more trips into the LGS will probably relieve me of my gun allowance which has been burning a hole in my pocket.:eek:
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New member
Well I'll be sure to let you know how the M&P9c shoots...

The Sig 239 has officially moved on to a new owner (WAY quicker than I expected) and I have given my local FFL buddy the go ahead to order the M&P :D

Now for the wait... I hate the wait.

ETA - apparently all of his wholesalers are out of the M&P9c without the ambi safety. What's up with that? I'm not a big fan of external safeties.


New member
Oh, so your going to get an M&P huh? Well, it's no Sig but it will do.;)

Seriously, they are great pistols. The trigger issue is EASILY surpassed. After that there is little to complain about. And for a SD gun, if you practice enough, it would can be dealt with quite easily.

I really contemplated getting another M&P9c, but decided I was really lacking in F.S 9mm pistols. I intend on carrying it, if I can ever get my holster guy to cooperate. (cough cough)