To Ride, Shoot Straight, and Speak the Truth


New member
Ok, ok, I didn't read your review... but here's mine.

While I have respect for Col Cooper and all that he's done, his writing really isn't all that great. Its disjointed and choppy. I had to skip parts of this book because it just got to be boring, rambling on-and-on.

I wouldn't recommend it.


New member
I repectfully disagree. Cooper is a good writer, with a huge breadth of knowledge, both practical and intellectual.
It's an important book, one that every shooter should have on their shelf. I've read mine about 30 times and still enjoy it.

Anyone that enjoys a good story should read "Survivor" and "Day of the Mauser".

I don't agree with everything Cooper says and even strongly disagree on some matters, but what George said is true.
To Ride is a great book. If it appears "choppy", it's because it's not a novel. It's a collection of essays. Cooper still considers Another Country to be his best.