To Reinforce "When Seconds Count"...


New member

Watch this video carefully. At first glance, you see an arrested suspect attacking the processing officer who then manages to choke the assailant into submission.

Now look closely.

Where did this attack happen?
How long did it take for backup to arrive?

What if this was on a regular street and an ordinary, unsuspecting citizen was the target?

Show this video to antis when they challenge open/concealed carry again. There are very important lessons to be learned from this video.


New member
The cop did a good job, even without a weapon. Seems the bad guy had a hard time getting his arms around the cop... On a serious note, interesting observation. I can't believe it took the other officers that long to get there. Surely that whole episode was loud. Do you think it ever occurred to the cop to go for his weapon in the heat of the moment? Did he even have one?


New member
it didn't seem as if he had a weapon.
It did take some time for backup to arrive, in a police station.
If you were on the corner, you are screwed.