to ponder on


New member
everyone seems to be in a feeding frenzy(sp) over Bin Laden right now but I think this thorn in our side for the past ten yrs is in on it to... lets go back to the Reagan yrs, hmmm our "friends" Iraq was at war with Iran, and who came to the rescue the good ole US... The Reagan admin gave Iraq the know how to make and spread Bio's mainly Anthrax, so then about 10yrs after that we tell Iraq that we wont retaliate if they go into Kuwait, and gosh darnit we lied, slap sanctions on Iraq, everything but OIL, find enough chemical weapons to kill every one in the world there, no extending the truth either.... so now ten years later, they have found their way over here IMHO we should quit going into these countries, defending, aiding, and whatever else we do and stay over here....


New member
Part of the problem is that a very good man, who was, alas, ignorant of what the globalists are up to, took into his confidence a man who is not only a globalist, but open about it. He had lots of experience in foreign affairs, so his advice was trusted.

His name was Bush. The man who trusted this viper was Ronald Reagan.

Klinton was certainly bad. But look back and remember who it was that stood down our nuclear defense and began dismantling the military. It wasn't Billy Boy - he just continued the process.