to dehorn or leave it be


New member
I'm still in limbo about dehorning the front of my G29's trigger guard or not.I did this to my gen 2 G22 and it turned out great,but i'm not so sure about this one.When i got it was in perfect shape with less than 100 rounds though it.I already polished the barrel to make it Bright stainless and that made the gun look even better but i'm almost afraid i would go to far to buff the bur off.



New member
I dehorned the grip on a G23 soon after taking delivery of it. Just keep in mind that such modifications will usually dent the resale value of a given firearm.


New member
to dehorn or leave it be
I'm still in limbo about dehorning the front of my G29's trigger guard or not.I did this to my gen 2 G22 and it turned out great,but i'm not so sure about this one.When i got it was in perfect shape with less than 100 rounds though it.I already polished the barrel to make it Bright stainless and that made the gun look even better but i'm almost afraid i would go to far to buff the bur off.

So let us see how your 22 turned out. Post a picture of the G22 modifications. If you do good work and it doesn't look like you took a hack saw and blow torch to it- Go For It!!

It's your pistol, customize it the way you want.... the "perfectionists" wouldn't let anyone highlight the lettering with white paint if they had their way. If quality custom work is done to a pistol, and you like it, I'm all for it. If you think it really needs to be "dehorned" go for it.

I was more concerned with the self destructing guide rod assembly.
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New member
Polished the barrel? Does this mean you removed the finish?
yep and it looks a whole lot better to me.

Does the horn serve a useful purpose?
I'm not sure,but when i did it to my G22 it didn't hurt anything as far as shooting or holstering it.

Here is that pics you asked for
I was 2/3 the way done when i took this pic

This is the finished product
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New member
I like the work on the trigger guard, but I don't like how you took off the protective finish on the slide. I've actually thought to myself how I wish I could get rid of the funky trigger guard on my G36. The G36 is a Carry Gun by design, and it should have a smoother contour. I may have to consider doing what you've done. What type of process did you use?



New member
What type of process did you use?

I tool my dremmel tool,a sanding drum and very gently ground down the horn.I then replaced the sanding drum with a very fine grinding stone to get rid of inperfections i may have caused.I then take 400 grit sand paper,to 800 grit,to 1,000 if needed(to finish the rounding process).From there i take a polishing wheel and mothers mag wheel polish and (very gently as not to burn in to the trigger guard from the heat.) polish the finish back to a shine.


New member
Ok i know some of ya'll said to leave it alone but my hands went to work and did it anyway.I just couldn't help my self.BtW i ain't touchin the slide,It looks fine just like it is.

After i polished the barrel only.

After the polished barrel and the dehorning.Project complete.



New member
I would recommend that you consider adding Pearce magazine base plates.

They make a nice one that is curved for the G29; actually gives one a full fingered grip, while still not adding much for CC. Works great on my G29.

G20 mags also work in the G29, and someone, can't remember who at the moment and too busy to run down to the safe, makes a nice "adapter" which screws onto mag making it flush with the grip.

I personally don't mind my trigger guard being the way that it is, but if you are happier with it rounded, well done!