To Anyone Who Has Ever E-mailed Me

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New member

Being the cheap Luddite bastard I am, when my APC's battery pack died I never replaced them.

I lost 109 M of data, and every correspondence I've ever received.

Stupid stupid me.

(Best part; there's some business I was conducting through the 'net, but now I can't contact them LOL.)

:confused: :rolleyes:


"all my ammo is floating-in-limbo factory ammo"


New member
Doggone it!

And I bet you lost that email from those Nigerian bankers who want to transfer $14,000,000 into your account! Oh, the horror!

(I've gotten 16 this last week. Some are actually terrible cut & paste jobs from others, LOL!)


New member

Every customer................gone.
Every request....................gone.
ALL my load research and data.............byebye.
All those I communicate with.............disappeared.
My pigeons have flown the coop; my Elvis has left the building; my fly is open; my brains are leaking out, errr, you get thje idea.

I'm still laughing. Stupid F#&%*^@#*&^%@#$$ computers, knowwhatImean?


New member
So now all 15,000 TFL members will email Tim at once..
And crash him again

Loosin customer transaction info really hurts.
Condolances Sir.



New member

As a gun-related business I've been hacked repeatedly; I have NEVER stored personal data (mine or others) EVER on this box.
Not safe, and I'm a SAFETY-FIRST kinda guy.
(I'm also fairly geeked. I can 'be an electron".)

No personal, no financial, no credit cards, no nuthin'.

Just info/data/connections/ and stuff like that; pictures, notes, like losing your wallet kinda.

STILL laughing.

(C.R.Sam, that would be so "It's a Wonderful Life"......)

"I'm melting........")


New member
"The heartbreak of data loss", as one of my good friends puts it. What a major bummer, my condolences.

In the "straight from the mountain-top" sage geek advice for everyone reading this, I have two bits of carve-it-in-stone computer advice:

1. Back up absolutely everything on your computer that you care about, constantly. It will die and you will lose everything, it's only a matter of time.

2. Don't let your kids play around on your business machine.

No joke.

- Gabe


New member
Condolences, Tim...hope you "backed up" at least SOME of the Load Data in those old-fashioned, paper NOTEBOOKS?!?!....mikey357
BTW, GRD's "Rules" seem especially wise now...gotta go "Back-up"!!!


New member

Don't worry about MY PERSONAL load data; everything I've done for years is in (Lyman) loose-leaf binders.
If I make it I record it.

I ain't stoopid (yes I am :D ).

"Paper or plastic?"


New member
Deja vu all over again

"Open the Pod Bay doors, Hal.......Hal? "
"Daisey, Daisey, give my your answer do....."
"That does not compute...compute...compute..."

Nasty break, Weshoot2!

"...and your little dog, too!"


New member
Not to rub in your bad luck, but one of my computer instructors had a wise saying:

"There are two kinds of people who own computers, those who make backups and those who soon will"

Make backup copies of everything remotely important, everybody loses data at some point.

Look into a Jazz, Zip or CD-RW drive. DVD-RW are starting to get affordable now too.

Chris Pinkleton

New member
Catastrophic computer failure is the reason I haven't been on TFL in quite a while.......anyone got word on when Glock will start making a PC? I'd even settle for Kel-Tec :) . The day computers become as reliable as most firearms, my blood pressure will drop at least 20 points.


New member
At home, you can have a reliable computer, you just can't have a reliable multi-function computer. Have a pro install Windows (or whatever) for you so you know it's done right, then install Quickbooks or whatever the single bit of software you need to perform whatever task you need and nothing else and the odds are good that machine will run forever without a hiccup, until the hardware fails. As you start to install more and more software, the operating environment becomes more and more compex.

Simple machines are reliable. Well-established software is reliable. Complicated machines are troublesome. Cutting-edge software is troublesome.

Have a separate business computer and play/household computer. Don't do anything with or to your business computer but run your business and you can minimize your problems.

- Gabe


New member
Sorry for your loss, remember my first crash well... lost everything i eve rput on the computer INCLUDING what i saved to floppy disks because they were old.

now about once a week, i update everything on a CDRW. ( and have a desk system and a notebook that don't share files)

what a learning experience it is, good luck with your recovery of any lost information be it a flash in your mind, or just an accident that it somone gets back to you.


New member

Once upon a time long long ago in another dimension I had a job with a BIG company who had the national service account for a major computer concern.

I was a field engineer.
I fixed computer stuff, like computers and monitors and software and networks and customers.
I was considered fairly adept (I have many talents oozing from my fingertips).

I hate computers, and everything about them EXCEPT learning stuff from people like you at places like this.

(Hence my cheap Luddite bastard nature.)

I have so far had a VERY interesting life. Some (most) of it is not repeatable, but I only offered this story so you all wouldn't need to post computer-type suggestions.

Let's talk about ammo-n-guns :cool:

I thank you all for your support..............................

I do find myself totally unable to walk holding a cup of coffee without spilling.
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