To all my friends, fellow Americans


Staff Alumnus
that are serving overseas, Merry Christmas! We have several hours to go yet, but over there, it's Christmas!!

Several years ago, I spent Christmas over in Bosnia. It sucks being far away from your loved ones. Especially this time of the year. Just remember, there are people out there that remember what it feels like to be far from home. Just remember, there are people out there that are very appreciative of you taking your turn patroling the "wall".

God Bless and Merry Christmas. Come home safe and soon!


New member
Ditto. And a special thanks to above that my nephew, a Navy lifer of 20 years, is overseas again. But this time with his wife and boy, on vacation in the French Riviera! Water and sand, but nobody shooting at him. :) :) :)



New member
I patrolled the Grenz for three years, I know exactly what you mean ArmySon.

To all, have a safe and happy Christmas.

Dave R

New member
Our deepest thanks to those who serve our country and protect our freedoms. We appreciate you and the sacrifices you make for us. God bless!

Ed Brunner

New member
A Christmas Memory

Spending Christmas overseas at some military outpost is usually about as lonely as it gets and is a lot different from waking up with your family on Christmas morning.

One of my fondest Christmas memories was Christmas morning 1967. RVN, IFFV, HQ 26th Regiment, Korean Tiger Division. I woke about 0400 and really thought I was nuts cause I was hearing Christmas Carols. It took a while, but I finally realized what was happening. Korean soldiers were actually serenading us with traditional Christmas Carols. It was a choral group from a Christian congregation in the regiment going throughout the camp caroling. It was something that I can never forget.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Ed Brunner,
"... RVN, IFFV, HQ 26th Regiment, Korean Tiger Division. ... It was a choral group from a Christian congregation in the regiment going throughout the camp caroling. It was something that I can never forget.

I have a brother-in-law (ROK) that was in theatre at the time. He was there off and on '66 thru '69. I doubt he was one of the carolers though ;). Small world.

[Edited by sensop on 12-25-2000 at 02:55 PM]

Bill Barrett

New member
I spent a couple of Christmas days on the East German Border in the Fulda Gap (14th Armored Cav.) That border doesn't exist anymore. Sometimes what we do has a visible effect.

Merry Christmas and come home Safely.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Yeah, dittos.

My father spent Christmas of 1944 somewhere in western Germany. I pulled guard duty, Christmas Eve of 1954 at Inchon; my son spent Christmas of Desert Shield in Saudi-land.

I'm more than a bit grumpy at how many of our kids are having to do that "stuff".

But for the ones doing it: Thanks. We know what it means.



Staff Emeritus
My heartfelt thanks to all who serve and served to keep us safe.

Sure, I mean the military folks - both the ‘professionals’ and the ‘citizen-soldiers’
who have served since the 1700s. The POW/MIA men and women who I wish
could hear us say, “Never Forget” - just so they could know they are remembered.

A special thanks to all U.S. Marines - just for being Marines. And, in case any
might know of “seven eleven”, I was “the littlest Airedale.”

(Older ASA types may remember, “Zoomie”.)

I’ll add a thanks to those whom we seldom notice, the folks who work in law
enforcement, the fire department, and EMS as well.

There are many others who keep us safe and comfortable whom we seldom
remember. One example would be those who keep our utilities functioning. I
remember you keep many folks alive by ensuring our homes have power and water
in every sort of weather.

Lots of folks are working this Christmas as they have many holidays in the past. It
speaks well of their performance that we can take so many people’s service for
granted as we celebrate the Holidays with our families.

To all these, and to all those whom I’m not smart enough to notice, I wish “All the
Best” during this Holiday Season and the coming year.

Sid K

New member
Small world indeed. I was with the 1st Cav at An Khe at Christmas in 1965 and well remember when the Capital ROK Division came and took over part of area of responsibility. They were sharp soldiers and made me feel that the time I had spent in the Korean Military Advisory Group in 1953 was worth the effort.