Titanium Scope?


New member
I am looking at Nikon products, my brother has a manual camera he recently purchased from them and it is of excellent quality, so I am hoping the same goes for their scopes.

I found that they have a titanium scope and wanted to know if there are any real benefits to using titanium or if it is more of a gimmick?


I decided I want to keep my gun as light as possible, so titanium seemed like a good idea, until I realized that scopes are made out of aluminum anyway (or am i wrong?). So titanium is an aluminum alloy, I know it is stronger and more flexible, but I don't know if it is necessarily lighter... I really don't imagine I would be rough enough to my scope for the extra strength of titanium to actually help, I am pretty careful with my belongings.


New member
So titanium is an aluminum alloy
Nope, two entirely different elements

As for strength and weight, aluminum is lighter, but titanium will be stronger than aluminum of the same thickness.So, a titanium scope of identical in exterior dimensions to an aluminum one, would be heavier, but much stronger if the metal are the same thickness/quantity. But, since titanium is stronger, it could end up being lighter, as lees would needed to be as strong and durable as an aluminum one,and the difference could be enough to have more than offset the fairly Small density difference f the 2 metals. So, it will vary from scope to scope, depending on f they were gong for less weight at the same strength, or same weight but much stronger.Hope that makes sense....
That said,I have no personal experiance with any titanium scopes, so I dont now what they are typically used for, increasd stregth or less weight.


New member
ok, thanks. I wonder if I confused titanium alloy having aluminum in it or something, I didn't realize they were separate elements.

Anyway one more quick question too:

I want to eventually do long range shooting (say ~ 800 yards) and I am looking at variable range scopes. Would I benefit more from a 10x (max) 50mm scope or a 12x (max) 42mm scope?

I think the larger lenses are beneficial to resolving small objects in the distance, but then again more magnification is also beneficial. It really sucks because I can't find a riflescope that is 50mm and 12-14x (max) for the monarch series. I am going to go with their BDC reticle for a .308 Rem 700. Should I be looking for a higher magnification scope for these ranges?


New member
I've only seen one Nikon Titanium scope and it was just as heavy as a standard scope. The person who bought it loved the clarity but was disappointed by the weight, titanium is extremely light so they assumed the scope would be light as well. I think the titanium thing was basically a buzz word used by Nikon, if it was truly better they would be increasing their offerings and other scope makers would be using it as well.