Titanium Rem 700 Questions


New member
I am seriously considering a Titanium Remington 700, most likely in .308. I have some questions for owners of this model in any caliber.

1. How is the recoil? I have searched and read Art's posts about his 7-08, but would be interested in knowing if anyone has any experience in other calibers, whether .308 or others. I have seen posts where a couple of people have the same rifle in .270, but not much mention of recoil. I would put a full size variable scope on it, such as a Leupold VX III 2x8 or Nikon 3x9.

2. Is the length of pull susceptible of being shortened, either by stock modifications or by substitution of recoil pads? I find that most stocks end up being too long when I wear a bunch of cold weather clothes and, especially, a pack frame with sturdy straps.

Thanks in advance folks.


New member
My 700 Titanium is a .270----recoil is nothing---but my rifle only likes the 130gn bullets---but it shoots those very well. I got my deer this year with the Titanium---talk about a joy to carry. First time in years of tromping around the Sandhills where rifle weight wasn't an issue.

As to a smaller rifle----you might want to take a real close look at another rifle I own---a Browning Micro Hunter (mine is in .308).

The Micro Hunter has a 20in barrel----shortened LOP---nearly as light as the Titanium(but not quite)----and about half the price of a Titanium. The only real drawbacks to this rifle for hard hunting are the wood stock and blued finish--all cosmetic-so can be refinished when you get tired of the worn-out look. Not sure why this is--but recoil in this rifle is a lot more than you would think---nothing that will pound the heck outta you---but more than you would think--surprising is how I would describe it.

My Micro Hunter is one handy little rifle and I would never think of giving it up----unless they came out with one in stainless/synthetic.

You really can't go wrong with either of these rifles.