Time To Toughen Up!


New member
Ok, we didn`t keep control of the House and Senate, wich I`m sure most of us here wanted Reublican`s to stay in power. So, I`m not going to cry and complain about how upset I am the candidates I voted for lost.
Instead, I would like to say to everyone here to keep your eyes and ears open for every piece of anti-gun bill that comes up, and fight it with all you got to stop it. Because the more gun control bills these Democrats are going to push and if we lose to them, the harder and longer it takes to get them reversed.
I believe there are a lot of people out there that don`t realize that protecting the Second Amendment is not just about protecting gun rights. It is also about fighting for our freedoms, and liberty. And protecting the Bill of Rights and Constitution as they are originally written. Not for electing some so called historian expert re-writing them to what he/she thinks they should mean.
Let`s toughen up and tighten our belts and tell these politicians we will not stand for any gun control bills. We can do it.


New member
While yesterday's election results certainly do not help friends of the Second Amendment, the right to keep and bear arms may not be in as great jeopardy as you all assume. Keep these facts in mind:

-The "assault weapon ban" was voted down 6 or 7 times (in a Democrat House) before it passed
-When the ban was finally passed, it had a sunset provision attached to appease the "blue dog (conservative) Democrats"
-The Democrats, after passing the ban, were trounced in the following election
-All this happened at a time when gun control had greater support than it does now


New member
Much ado about nothing. nobody is going to come knocking on our doors and demanding our firearms.

The current regime isnt getting the job done, i for one am glad to see so many incumbents defeated, and if the new batch of liars er i mean politicians dont get it done, they will be gone in 08.


New member
This is going to be an interesting two years. If the Dems don't do the job....08 won't work out well for them!

Let's all be vigilant out there. Keep in mind that Schumer, Pelosi, Soros, and that whole gang want to register, restrict and confiscate.

WE are gun folks first. Not outlaws, not crazies (Well some of us). And the outlaws will always have their guns.


A government that gets nothing done is my choice - and this one is poised to do that.
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New member
WSM is right

Instead of griping about how " they are gonna take our guns", lets make this thread about all the gun friendly legislation being introduced so we can support those. Good sonics always helps, lets take the higher path. Any good news?:)
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New member

A lot of people think confiscation can't or won't happen. In fact, it happens all around the world, all the time. And yes, even in America. Remember New Orleans? While it is unlikely that the new leaders of our government would do anything so drastic, it isn't beyond the realm of possibility. What was it that Diane Feinstein said? "Mr and Mrs America, turn them all in". I think that makes their goal pretty clear. Granted, all of the newly elected Dems are not so anti-gun as the national leadership, but will they have to vote along with their party leadership on the gun issues? Hopefully not, but if they do we could be looking at significant gun control laws coming down the pike.
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